Heather and Michael
Date: 11/4/2023,
Author: by8letters
... every time you get a hard on. You need to get me in the mood and there will be days when I am just not in the mood."
"Number three, it is over between us at the end of the summer. I will get a boyfriend at college and you will get a girlfriend. We will be just brother and sister from then on."
Michael was quiet for a bit, and then said quietly, "Agreed."
"OK, I will break my date with Jason."
Michael swept her up in his arms and kissed her hard. After the kiss, they held hands as they hiked on.
They held hands and kissed on the hike whenever they felt it was safe. They eventually reached the car and started loading their gear into the car. When their parents arrived, they finished loading and started the long car drive home.
On the drive home, everyone talked about how great the week had been. They had been lucky and hadn't had a single day of bad weather.
"You know," said Heather, "I had such a great time that I would like to go again this summer."
"Heather," said Dad, "I would love to do it again, but your mother and I can't take another week of vacation. I would say we could do it on Labor Day, but we will be taking you to college then."
"Michael and I could come up by ourselves."
"I don't think that is a good idea," said Mom.
"Joyce, it will be fine," said Dad. "Michael is an Eagle Scout, for crying out loud. They are adults now."
"Well..." said Mom.
"If ...
... it will make you feel better," said Michael, "we will hike down every other day far enough to call you to let you know we are still alive."
Mom sighed. "I guess that will be fine then."
Heather gave Michael's hand a squeeze, the only time they touched on the drive home.
When they got home, everyone helped to unload the car. They spread everything that was in the backpacks on the living room floor. Heather took her stuff and headed up to her room. She then called Jason and broke their date.
Heather and Michael acted as normal as they could. They even fought over who had to do what chores, a fight they always had after their camping vacation. This time, it was more like bantering and they smiled the whole time until they reached an agreement.
Monday morning, Maddie called. "I can't believe you broke your date with Jason!"
"It wasn't going to work with him going to Europe. Now, if I was going to Europe with him, that would be the summer of my dreams."
Heather told Maddie about the camping vacation and Maddie told her about what she had done. Heather had the door to her bedroom open. Michael had driven Mom to work so that they would have a car. As she talked, she heard Michael re-enter the house. A few moments later, she saw Michael enter her room. Michael hugged her from behind and began nipping on her neck as she stood talking with ...