Heather and Michael
Date: 11/4/2023,
Author: by8letters
... that."
Heather said with a little sarcasm, "I didn't know that an end of camping trip affected you so."
Michael gave her a look. He said with an ache in his voice. "We are over. You have your date tonight with dreamboat Jason Lewis. You are going to be his girl for the rest of the summer and all I will have is memories."
They hiked without speaking for a while after that. Heather could see Michael was grieving as he hiked. Heather ran over and over in her head what she wanted to say to get it right.
Heather wanted a large block of time for their next conversation, so she waited until their parents had caught up to them and they had set off again. When she was certain they were well out of earshot of their parents, she said, "Little Bro, it doesn't have to be over."
Michael's head snapped up. "What?"
"I have been thinking of breaking my date with Jason."
"Why would you do that? Jason is the guy of your dreams. I saw how you and every other girl drooled over him at the party."
"It is not as simple as that, Little Bro. Yes, I have wanted to go out with Jason forever. However, with so little time left before we go to college. I don't think it is going to work out."
Heather knew she had to spell things out, as Michael didn't have a lot of experience with relationships. "He was great at the party, but there is a big difference in being great at a party and being a great boyfriend. Why did Gina break up with him? I am pretty good friends with Gina and she ...
... is super sweet. Is there something unpleasant about Jason that you don't see until you are alone with him? Does he have a big head? Does he get drunk or stoned all the time? Is he super demanding?"
"I could deal with all of that. The showstopper is that in a month, he is leaving for Europe. His parents gave him for graduation airplane tickets and the money to bum around Europe for five weeks. I was planning on breaking up with him before he left. He is going to find traveling companions as he bums around and what if one of his female travel companions becomes a fuck buddy? So who knows if he will still be interested in me when he gets back and by then, both of us will need to get ready to go to college."
"So if I go out with Jason, I have a month of the awkwardness of the start of dating, then five weeks of being left high and dry, then who knows what after that. If I don't go out with Jason, I will have you for the summer and I have a pretty good idea of what that will be like."
They walked along quietly after that. Heather gave Michael time to digest those revelations.
Finally, Michael said with trepidation in his voice, "So you aren't going out with Jason tonight?"
"If you agree to my ground rules, then I won't."
Michael smiled for the first time that day. "And those ground rules are?"
"Number one, we do nothing around Mom, Dad or anyone else. We are just a brother and sister except when we are alone."
"Number two, we aren't having sex ...