Heather and Michael
Date: 11/4/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: by8letters
I published this story as two chapters, "Heather and Michael Ch. 01" on 7/19/13 and "Heather and Michael Ch. 02" on 7/23/13. This was the second piece of fiction I wrote in my life, the first being a bad Sci-Fi story in high school. Everything I have learned about writing fiction, I have learned on Literotica. I took this and all my other stories down in January 2023. I'm republishing the two chapters as one story unedited from their original publication so you can see how I've grown as an author. The revised and expanded version of this story ishere. Chapter 01Thanks to Gunter99 for his editing. He was very knowledgable about grammar and such and he made several excellent suggestions to improve the plot. This is a slow story about twins drifting into a sexual relationship. Everyone is over 18 years of age. "Hey, Maddie!" said Heather into her cell phone. "Did you have a good time this weekend?" It was the Monday after Heather had graduated from high school. She had spent the weekend going to parties and had had a great time. Both she and Maddie had been invited to far more parties than they could attend. They had gone to the same parties Friday and Sunday night, but Saturday Maddie had gone to a party with the stars of the football team whereas Heather had gone to a pool party at a house that had a huge pool and an incredible view. They talked about the parties while Heather brushed her shoulder length strawberry blond hair. Maddie wasn't a great friend, ...
... but they got along well enough that Maddie was going to be Heather's roommate at college in the Fall. Maddie changed the topic by asking, "Are you seeing anyone right now?" "No, I haven't dated anyone since Drew broke up with me." Drew had dumped her three months ago for a freshman girl that worshiped the ground he walked on. She hadn't felt like dating after that, but she was in the mood after the weekend; and she was definitely in the mood for fucking again. "Are you doing anything Friday night?" asked Maddie. "We are going on our annual family camping trip Saturday, but I can have everything packed before Friday night." "I am planning a special party," said Maddie, "and you have to promise me two things if you want to attend. Number one is that you can't tell anyone about it, beforehand and afterward." "Done." "Number two is that you have to bring an unattached guy to the party. A good-looking guy who will be going to college in the Fall. A guy you wouldn't mind going out on a date with. And he can't tell anyone about the party beforehand and afterward." Heather pondered what guy she could invite. Maddie interrupted her thoughts with "Here are the other girls that are coming: Becky Henderson, Teagan Jackson, Brooke Perdue and Maria Hernandez." All of those girls were good-looking and popular. Heather decided that it would be easy to get a guy to go to this party. "Count me in." "The idea behind the party," said Maddie, "is that we ...