Court Record Chapter Five
Date: 11/8/2017,
True Story
Written by women
Author: Barbiebnympho
... proud as well. Clem parked in the barn, closed the door, and together they walked up to the house in the dark. Sarah took his hand as soon as it was free or the barn door and held it tightly every step of the way. As they passed the picnic table, Clem sat down and pulled Sarah down to sit across his lap. “That dress is so cute on you; I don’t want to run the risk of it getting dirty on this old bench” She turned in his arms and their lips met. “Sounds like an excuse from a horny guy.” She smiled and kissed him again. Then things went silent between them. For some time the night sounds prevailed, neither of them moved, no words were spoken. There was such feeling flowing between them and both were aware of the ever increasing bond that was growing stronger by the minute. Two people who needed love, respect, appreciation and worth, had found it in full measure with one another. Two people with such emptiness in their lives had found so much in common, so many interests, so many desires. It was a full hour of starlight and wonderful night sounds before they got up and hand in hand moved on toward the back door. Up in the bedroom Clem took off his clothes and put on a light weight robe. Sarah had gone directly to the bathroom. As he headed down the stairs he stopped outside the bathroom door. It was interesting to hear her in there. It was really nice to have her in the house. Even her bathroom noises communicated companionship. Clem was down in the living room, seated in his ...
... favorite big chair, with the late news on when Sarah came down to join him. She was wearing another of his T-shirts and was smiling widely, as she came over and sat down across his lap, letting her legs dangle over the wide arm of the easy chair. Clem’s left arm went behind her shoulders and brought her in close. His hand came to rest high on her bare legs. Her lips came over to the side of his neck and his right hand started to move along her legs. She murmured her approval. She stopped kissing his neck and looked up at him. Her happiness was so obvious, so genuine. “In case I have never made it clear, I love it here with you, mister. I am happy. I feel safe. I know it sounds like a story book, but this is where we belong.” Clem looked down; one more time feeling of dishonest, cheating and unfairness swept over him. Why did he think it was necessary to spoil this? He loved her so, he felt like he was the luckiest man in the world; but there were things he had to say. Things she had to know. Otherwise he was living and loving her in absolute dishonesty. She had to know the truth about him, about his past and the problems it imposed on his life. “Sarah, I need to talk to you.” Her face turned toward him, serious, reflecting the tone in his voice. Clem removed his right hand to pull the T-shirt down as much as he could. Finished he reached down to bring her knees together against him. Her shoulders were cradled into his left arm and her head rested beside his. “Sarah, please ...