1. Court Record Chapter Five

    Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... listen, these are things I want you know. These are things that are very hard for a young person to comprehend, but I want you to try. We have gotten so close and we get closer with each hour, each day; and as I have concerns that do not go away, they grow stronger. We have got to have an understanding between us. There are things you must know about me; things I have not told you. First, I love you more than you can imagine. I have never told anyone what I am about to tell you. Our love is not without a lot of risk we both know that and have talked a lot about it. I take my side of the risks, because I love you. I understand you. I understand the lonely times, the lonely life rattling around in that enormous house where essentially your parents deserted you. I understand why, at least for a while, living here is such a neat adventure. You may grow tired of this at anytime, but I will take my risks. It is your side of all this that really scares me. You know so much about me now, but there are things about me you don’t know; important things that ruin the adventure. I am not who I seem to be. You think you love me, but you are young and impressionable and you are in love with only what you know about me. If this love were to continue, someday you would learn these other things and hate me for hiding them from you. Sarah, when I graduated from college I was a married man and an officer in the Army. My wife and I were very in love and anxious to build a life together. But ...
    ... that was not to be. I was shipped overseas for a three year tour just a year after we were married. The tour of duty was way nasty and long. The army and the fighting change me, matured me into someone I did not like. When I finally got back to California I had to wait over night before shipping on home from the west coast to Michigan. Me and my army buddies went out to celebrate. I got into a terrible fight with my closest friend. We were both drunk. I killed him, Sarah. I killed him! I woke up in a jail the next morning. It was a nightmare. He was my friend, my buddy, my fellow soldier. The trial was my worst nightmare. I was convicted of man slaughter. The court gave me five year in prison and five years parole. It seemed like a life time and for me it almost was. Nothing changes a man like a long prison sentence. When I was released I had been away from home a total of nine years, four in the service, and five in prison. My wife had given up on me long ago, divorced me while I was serving time, and found someone else. My parents were both gone. I was completely alone and broke with no job and as a convicted felon finding a job was impossible. I came home and tried as hard as I could, but it took years for me to recover. I finally came up here and bought this old orchard with a big loan as a way to lose myself in something I could love. I had work as a felon if I owned the place. I became a recluse. Do you know what that is?” She turned to him, “Yes Scotty, there are lots of ...