Court Record Chapter Five
Date: 11/8/2017,
True Story
Written by women
Author: Barbiebnympho
... any mention of staying overnight at his place. That would create too many questions. She was just here for a day visit. She was related, but do not say how….on and on he had to talk through these things. But, before he could get started with the lecture, Clara, a waitress who knew him for sure, came over with menus and water. She had served Clem many times before and, truth be known, she had showed interest in getting to know him; but he was such an enigma…good looking but a real loner and his lifestyle had created so many rumors. “Hi, Clem Warren how are you doing? And who is this young lady?” Before he could answer either question, Sarah looked up from her menu and offered, “Hi, I am Mr. Warren’s niece from New York.” For a girl her age, her expression was a real study; friendly, but firm. (This is the answer, no further questions are needed.) Clara, who was normally quite a curious chatter box, seemed taken aback by the forthright answer. She smiled; said she hoped Sarah was enjoying being in the country and asked just one quick question about how long Sarah would be visiting. Sarah answered indicating she was really having fun, she said nothing about the length of the stay, and the waitress was off to get two ice teas. Clara had not crossed to the kitchen door before a rather large good looking woman and her son came over and sat down at Clem’s table. “Well Clem Warren how nice to see you. Just had to pop over here and say hello before your dinner came out. How have you ...
... been? We haven’t seen much of you in a while.” This was a lady that Clem knew well. Jane was the divorced wife of the hardware store owner and had been living in a cottage out by the lake for the last five years. As the visitors approached and seated themselves, Sarah sensed the dynamics right away. It was so obvious to anyone who read much. Jane had made several plays for Clem over the years. A good plot Sarah thought, but the real question was…had Clem ever had interest in her? For the first time in her young life she had a pang of jealousy. She looked at Clem and found it reassuring he was looking right back at her, but he did have a strange glint in his eyes and a little coy smile? At times he could look like a bit of a rascal. Did he understand how she felt? Jane had been given full custody of her fourteen year old son, Bill. He was a handsome lad and a little tall for his age. From the moment they sat down his interest in Sarah was obvious. He was sitting across a corner of the table from her and his eyes never left her. Clem noted that Sarah made no effort to close her sweater. Jane started right in following introductions. Jane asked Sarah one question followed by another. Clem had no chance to speak. Clearly she wanted to hear her answers from the young woman. Meanwhile, her son sat staring at this beautiful city girl seemingly just waiting for a chance to get in on the action as well. The questions came very fast. She had Sarah cornered. When would the kid stop being ...