Court Record Chapter Five
Date: 11/8/2017, Categories: True Story Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... need your energy. Quit thinking bad things. You have thought yourself back into a worry warp. We are together and everything is wonderful.” “Eat!” Clem laughed out loud, “You little vixen, you know too much.” Around ten they were home. The restaurant thing had gone very well. The food was good. Much later court records indicated that among the many town folks questioned by investigators, were both Clara, the waitress, and Jane. Clara was not subpoenaed after the initial in questioning by police. Her responses during the initial investigation did not provide much negative fodder for the courts. She recalled vividly, Clem and Sarah coming into the Antlers not only that night, but afterward on a fairly regular basis during that summer and more infrequently later on. She had nothing but good comments. Sarah had impressed her as a healthy, good natured, happy, young woman; perhaps a little protective of her “uncle” Clem. Clem was his normal quiet, handsome self. Clara admitted to the investigator that she had some interest in Clem and might not be completely impartial. He tipped well. Jane was subpoenaed after her initial investigative report got to the courts. Jane had indicated she thought there was something unusual about the relationship between Clem and Sarah right from the start. She felt Clem clearly showed way too much interest in Sarah and exhibited signs of stress. That portion of her testimony was discounted a bit when she too admitted she had an unrequited interest ...
... in Clem for some time. It was her comments about Sarah that caught interest with the prosecuting attorney and in the press. She has seen Sarah and Clem together many times that summer and afterward. Her son had tried to date Sarah numerous times to no avail. Sarah came across to Jane as a young woman on a mission and that mission was to take advantage of an unusual bond. Jane told the court in her opinion Sarah was way too out going for her age. She was definitely trying to act older than she was. She has something going on with Clem Warren and was trying to cover thing up. To substantiate her thinking she offered only the somewhat mature clothing she sometimes wore and the seemingly well thought out but nebulous answers she would come up with. TV EVENING Sarah talked all the way back from town to the Apple Valley Orchards. She was excited. Eating out and meeting people in town, with Clem, had given her identity…a stronger sense of belonging. She had been in public with the man she loved and respected. For the first time in her life she felt like a real person. For the first time in her life she had been truly involved, and equal. At the estate her role was so nebulous, so artificial. She was a shadow. She never fit in. Everyone had other things and other people full time, with little time for Sarah. This evening she went to town with a man, who loved her, she was important in his life and this evening that importance was unveiled. He was so proud of her and she was happy and ...