1. Genesis

    Date: 10/22/2015, Categories: Fiction Non-Erotic, Author: blkdemon02, Source: sexstories.com

    ... teach you some of my techniques.” -Ding- Skills learned- Trading Beginner Level 1, Charisma Beginner Level 1. Veritas’ eyes grew this was certainly unexpected, drawing a square in the air he opened his Status menu. Name: Veritas Level: 3 Profession: None Class: None HP: 30/30 MP: 30/30 Stamina: 3 Strength: 3 Mana: 3 Wisdom: 3 Luck: 3 Agility: 3 Dexterity: 3 Popularity: 0 Skills: Trading Beginner lvl 1- allows to buy item for 1% cheaper and sell them for 1% more. Charisma Beginner- NPCs are more drawn to you, makes the users more physically attractive to other players. Related to the popularity stat. -Ding- Quest completed Gained the trust of Poutos Leaving Poutos’ home he headed back inside the walls, there were more users out into the wilds now than previously. Logging out John headed towards the school library to do some basic research. Finding a post online he read about the different stats in Genesis. Once he leveled up he could allocated six points to some of the categories above. Stamina: increased the amount of HP a character had. Strength: increased the damage a character could output in a physical altercation. Mana: increased the amount of MP a character had. Wisdom: increased the damage a character could output in a magical fight. Luck: increased the chance of a character landing a critical hit and the chance to find rare loot. Agility: increased movement speed. Dexterity: increased hand eye and sense of balance of a character. Popularity: when leveling up points ...
    ... cannot be allocated in this stats. Only grows by doing favors to NPCs. Pertains to NPCs knowledge of your name the higher it is the more respect NPCs will have towards you. Typing Poutos he found nothing, the only mention of anything he related to him was Trading which could only be acquired when a user chose the Merchant class at the guild in Alsef. In the past two weeks Veritas went to Poutos’ often helping him, in his free time he interacted with various characters in Alsef, in the practice center he did different exercise gaining some level and other skills. Name: Veritas Level: 5 Profession: None Class: None HP: 60/60 MP: 40/40 Stamina: 6 Strength: 5 Mana: 4 Wisdom: 4 Luck: 4 Agility: 5 Dexterity: 5 Popularity: 2 Skills: Trading Beginner lvl 3- allows to buy item for 3% cheaper and sell them for 3% more. Charisma- NPCs are more drawn to you, makes the users more physically attractive to other players. Related to the popularity stat Cooking Beginner lvl 4- Can cook basic meals. Blacksmith Beginner lvl 4- can make bronze weapons. Artisan Beginner lvl 3- can work with leather. Pleased with himself he went to visit Poutos. “Good to see you again adventurer I’ve seen that you’ve grown have you taught about learning a profession?” -Ding- Poutos has offered you the possibility of learning a class and profession should you choose yes your stats will be changed. “Yes I would.” -Ding- Congratulation on your new class and profession, remember this is only the beginning. Name: Veritas ...