1. Genesis

    Date: 10/22/2015, Categories: Fiction Non-Erotic, Author: blkdemon02, Source: sexstories.com

    Hello all this is something I’ve been thinking of doing on the side. At this moment I’m not thinking of going turning this into a full series just yet. Don’t worry JYAS will still continue, this story is set in same universe. If any of you are interested in the basis of the story this link will provide you with my inspiration. https://www.bakatsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Moonlight_Sculptor#Volume_1 Genesis Introduction A new world opened, providing people with the opportunity to cast aside their lives and change. In 2015 an unconceivable matrimony would take place. An American business owner, a Japanese programmer, a Chinese sociologist along with a Russian scientist came together; their dream manifested itself as Genesis a virtual game, which would change the world itself. Many played it becoming nobles, kings/queens and various other high ranking officials. However, there would only be one emperor, the ruler of them all, the one who stood head and shoulder above the rest, and this is his story. Chapter 1 Rising off his tatami mat he put on a grey sweat pants, black sneakers, and a white t-shirt. The air was humid as per usual pulling an ancient my-cherry placing the headphones on his ear he started jogging. The few working lampposts acted as a light source for his journey. For the average person this would be considered dangerous around his neighborhood. Chain linked fences dominated the street, and no one slept without a .45 at their side. However, he wasn’t normal. ...
    ... Twenty years ago a Korean man named Pyo and a Japanese woman name Asuna emigrated to Fort Lauderdale. Married for two years they tried having children to no avail, as a last resort they decided to adopt a child. Visiting various agency they searched for children with similar phenotype as theirs. Then one afternoon looking for the perfect fit Asuna saw a young black infant sitting by himself in a corner. Quiet and unassuming he would be missed by the nonobservant eye. Noticing him she asked the person in charge. “That’s John,” she told Asuna. Asuna approached John, their eyes and she was enamored with the boy. Pyo was against it considering the difference in skin color, also, he was afraid of what John will have to go through in the future. Stubborn as he was his wife was worse, he finally relented accepting the boy into. As if an act of God the small families luck took a 180. Pyo found a well-paying job at the bank while Asuna worked as a nurse at the hospital. Leaving their tiny apartment they moved to the suburb. Two years later when John was four Asuna was pregnant giving him his little sister Kim. Unable to let go of their custom the parents raised their children using the teaching of Buddha and Pyo a devout Catholic placed them in private Catholic schools. Both were taught from a young age different martial arts, ranging from, judo, taekwondo, kendo, akido and karate. Wanting to give back to the community Pyo opened a dojo to keep young impoverished children out of the ...