1. Genesis

    Date: 10/22/2015, Categories: Fiction Non-Erotic, Author: blkdemon02, Source: sexstories.com

    ... e-mail he received the news which would change his life. Congratulation Mr. Lee-Yun, you have been selected to attend Florida University, as part of the “Genesis” project. Chapter 2 In the 2010’s the rise along with the popularity of YouTube Let’s Players changed the way media covered video games in general. They became sporting events rivaling the world cup and the Olympics; thus, when the rumor of a full working virtual reality surfaced people followed it closely. Stepping off the train, he entered Florida University (FU) a month before the fall semester begun. Although he was happy for the opportunity, he didn’t want to leave his family struggling. Finally, his mom encouraged him to take this change presented to him. Taking his bag he went to the appropriate area. “Hello I take it you’re John Lee-Yun?” a middle-aged woman asked. He nodded, “follow me we have to do physical check-up.” She took him to a room, there he stripped to his boxers and laid flat on rectangular screen. She pressed a button prompting a green light to illuminate the screen. Done he stood up facing a mirror. His physic wasn’t that bad he was athletic sporting six pack and well developed muscles. He was definitely handsome with his square jaw, cleft chin, big lips toping it all was his eyes, which were light brown. His quiet demeanor made him seem aloof, catching most ladies interest. Telling him all his test results were positive she moved him to another room. There he met Mr. Parker, he was average ...
    ... height, sleek blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Based on his look most would place him as a B movie villain. “Welcome, John how’re you doing,” Mr. Parker said. “Fine,” he responded. “I’m sure you know why you’re here already.” Earlier last year he applied for project “Genesis” a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (VRMMORPG). The scientist department in FU wanted to study how it would affects students brain. The program lasted for four years, and would pay for its participant’s fees. Any money gained during the program from selling game gears, posting videos online among other things could be kept by the student. Acknowledging he understood everything he signed some paper and was taken to his room. His room was a simple studio apartment with an actual bed. Opposite his bed was a sleek black capsule, dumping his bag on the floor he moved closer to it. On the side written in white was the word “Genesis,” touching a button the cover lifted showcasing the interior. White padding lined the lower half, atop the headrest was a visor plugged in to the system. He closed it Genesis wouldn’t be available until tomorrow night anyway. Resting he awoke the next day for his daily exercise. People turned gave him strange looks especially when he practiced with a bokutō. All he could hear all day was the talk about Genesis, some people were skeptical, others were confident it’d work the rest just waited following the news coverage. As the time got close he thought about the ...