1. Genesis

    Date: 10/22/2015, Categories: Fiction Non-Erotic, Author: blkdemon02, Source: sexstories.com

    ... MMORPGs he played in the past. Being quiet he usually played by himself never bothering to meet or interact with other players. Having to work part-time to help his family he usually chose profession which didn’t require for him to go out and battle. However, now since time wasn’t a constraint anymore he pondered on being a warrior. Stepping into the capsule he closed it placing the visor on his eyes. A bright light blinded him instantly a gel like substance covered his body. He panicked then a screen popped up asking to choose which language. “English,” he spoke. -Ding- Welcome to the world of Genesis, remember this is only the beginning. Next, he was shown his body in third person view everything was accurate even the scar on his left arm. Do you want to perform any changes on this avatar? “No.” You will spawn in the town of Alsef, are you ready to start. “Yes.” Please choose a Username Thinking about it for a while he said, “Veritas.” The next thing Veritas knew he was in a small town. At first it looked like he had been transported back in time. Standing on the dirt road his surrounding had a middle-aged influenced, around him countless of beginners spawned. Above their head he could see their name and race, with human and elf being the most popular. Being a larger town Alsef had multiple places where users could go. Learning from his past life Veritas decided to not follow the crowd since it is almost always wrong. Most users headed for the training grounds, thus he ...
    ... avoided it like the plague. Walking about he saw various Non-playable-characters (NPCs), one elderly NPC carrying a large bag suddenly collapsed. Rushing to help aided the man, “thank you for your help young adventurer, please take this.” You have received two bronze coins from Poutos. “Thank you,” Veritas responded. “Tell you what if you help me with this bag I’ll give you more.” -Ding- Quest Difficulty: F Mission: Carry Poutos’ bag to his house Payment: 10 bronze If failed/denied: No repercussion. “I accept.” -Ding- Quest accepted. Picking up the bag he followed Poutos out of Alsef staying within the safe zone. Passing by he saw some players crossing the safe zone going into the wilds fighting slimes and horned rabbits. A plain house attached to a farm was located just outside the city walls. Deposing the bag on the wooden when entering the house he received his reward. “Adventurer if you’d like I could tell you a story over lunch.” Peckish -Ding- Quest Difficulty: F Mission: Listen to his story Reward: Friendship with Poutos If fail/decline: Friendship denied. A chain quests even with his nubile knowledge in RPGs he knew these led to good thing. “Why not, I’m a little peckish right now.” -Ding- Quest accepted. Serving him some sizzling beef, rice and ale Poutos told his story. “I used to be a Merchant, wandering far and wide trading to different places, meeting people building connection. Now I’m just a simple farmer selling the goods I plant to the city. If you want I can ...