Date: 2/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: spermlover

    ... over. As I got into the kitchen I said, here’s their ad, page 48. “ Yeah, I saw that one. It’s a pretty big ad. How much does it cost to place a full page ad? “ The ad does not cost them anything, it’s free because they’re a couple looking. If you’re a female or a couple looking, your ad is free. The folks who publish the magazine know that 90% of the individuals who buy that magazine are going to be guys who like the pictures or guys trying to hook-up with someone; and the way they make their money is by selling the magazine and forwarding letters from people who want to answer ads. I think if you look in the back of the magazine it tells you that to answer an ad, you write a letter, include some photos if you want, seal the envelope, and write the ad number to which you are replying to on the front of the envelope, put a stamp on it then mail the letter to the magazine with $10.00 and they in turn mail it to the person who’s number you wrote on the envelope which is the person who placed the ad. “ Is that Jerry’s wife, Pam, in the ad? “ “ Yup, it’s her. “ “ Have you ever met Pam? “ “ Yes, twice. The first time I met her was when she stopped by the mill to bring Jerry something he forgot to take with him to work. The second time, she happened to stop by the restaurant where Jerry and I have lunch. “ “ What’s she like? “ “ I don’t understand your question. “ “ You know, what’s she look like. “ Well, I guess she about 5’ 6”, probably weighs about 130 and on a scale from 0 to ...
    ... 10 with 10 being like you, a knock out killer looking female, she probably a 6 or a 7. “ Would you be attracted to her? “ “ No. Why would I be interested in a 6 or a 7 when I’ve got a 10? “ Barb smiled and said, “ you’re to kind. “ I asked, “ why all the questions? I mean I can’t figure why you seem to be so interested with the Jerry & Pam thing. And something else I’m curious about, why did you fold over the top corners of some of the pages in the magazine? “ “ No reason Gary, it’s just that you’ve never told me much about Jerry and the scene they’re into. “ Well dear one, I figured you’d have no interest in hearing about their private life. Let’s get back to my question. “ What question is that? “ I asked you why you folded down some of the pages in the magazine? “ Barb replied, “ no special reason. “ I started opening the pages that had the folded down corners. What I noticed was that those pages had ads from black guys looking for white females and/or white couples; some of the ads had pictures of a pretty good sized cock and the ones that didn’t have a picture described the size of their cock in the text of their ad. I asked Barb if she was interested in a black cock. She replied in kind of a lightly nasty none-of-your-business-tone, “ what the hell are you talking about? “ I flipped around the magazine and said, “ here, look, every page corner you folded down has an ad from a black guy with a picture of his cock or just a straight word type ad that says he’s got an 8, 9, ...