Date: 2/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: spermlover
... with other guys. “ I laughed, “ oh, that’s pronounced “ cuck’ hold “ or “ cuck “ for short, not cockhold. “ “ Whatever. . . Is that something you’d like to be Gary? “ “ Where did you ever get that idea from “ I asked. “ Like you said when were driving home last night when you were talking about the magazine and you said a lot of stuff goes on. As I read thru the magazine obviously you were right. Most of those ads were from white couples looking for black guys and a few black guys looking for females and/or white couples. I’ve got to conclude that the reason you bought the magazine in first place is because that type of thing or that type of lifestyle interests you. “ I asked, “ was that a question? And what did you think of the pictures in the magazine? “ “ Gary, why won’t you answer my question, I’ve asked you twice. “ At this point I figured I’d better lie or come up with some real bullshit reason for having the book so I said, “ Barbara, I didn’t buy the book. I got the book from one of the guys at the steel mill. “ “ You just plain out won’t answer my question will you? Who did you get the book from? Do I know him? “ “ No, you don’t know him, his name is Jerry, “ I replied. Is he the Jerry that you take out to lunch every couple of weeks or so? “ Yah, that’s the Jerry I go to lunch with. “ So why does Jerry have a book like that she asked. “ Well, Jerry and his wife Pam are swingers and have been into the interracial life style for about ten years. They run ads in ...
... that magazine and he tells me they make videos of what they do. Their one of the white couples looking for black guys. When Jerry and I go out to lunch he likes to talk about the things they do and what they been up to as of late. Why he likes to tell me this stuff is beyond me but he’s the customer who buys the stuff I sell so I listen like I’m interested. Wanna see their ad? “ “ Are you interested in what they do or are you just being a good listener? “ Before I answered Barb I had to honestly think about her question then replied, “ I find what Jerry tells me to be amusing and sometimes erotic. I don’t know if it’s a guy-to-guy thing like when guys tell other guys about their conquests or what. Maybe I’m the only one Jerry feels comfortable talking to about what they do. “ Barb asked, “ have you ever seen any of their videos? “ “ Nope, not one, and he’s never asked me if I wanted to watch one. “ “ Does he ever ask for your advise or opinion on anything? “ “ I’m not sure what you mean? If you mean does he ask me for advise about sexual things or things that they do the answer is no. If you mean does he ask me for advise or my opinion about what he should buy from me the answer is yes, of course he does. “ So show me their ad. “ “ Where’s the magazine at Barb? “ “ It’s in the front room on the table next to the chair I was sitting on last night. “ I got the magazine. As I was walking back to the kitchen thumbing thru the pages I noticed that a few pages had the corners folded ...