Date: 2/5/2017,
True Story
Author: spermlover
This story is 100% true. The names of the guilty have not been changed because no one is guilty. Well, maybe we’re guilty of “ guilty pleasure “ and that’s not against the law just yet. My girlfriend, Barbara, and I had been to a Cleveland Browns Monday night game and had stopped for a bite to eat after the game. We left the restaurant and were walking to where we had parked the car. As we walked between two buildings there was an alleyway that was probably 8 feet wide. Apparently, Barb had glanced down the alleyway. She tugged on the arm of my jacket and said, “ did you see that? “ “ See what? “ I responded. “ The guy in the alley “ I replied, “ I didn’t see anything, I didn’t really even notice an alley, what about the alley? “ She said, “ There was a guy in the alley, it looked like he was masturbating!!! “ I replied, “ oh yeah, did he have a big cock? “ “ I’m not sure, I didn’t get a good enough look, but it really did look like he was masturbating. “ I asked her if she wanted to go back and get a better look? “ Yeah, I kinda do, do you? “ Not having the slightest clue what this was going to lead to I figured I’d humor her and said, “ If you’d like to, sure, why not. Do you want to? “ “ Yeah, let’s go back. “ We turned around and walked back. There was a streetlight across the street from the alley which provided enough light to illuminate the individual. Sure enough there was a guy about 6 feet down the alley. He was wearing a baseball cap and had his left arm extended ...
... up above his head leaning against the wall of the building stroking himself with his right hand. He was looking down at his cock as he stroked it. We stopped and stood in the middle of entranceway to the alley. I stood behind Barb and put both of my hands on her shoulders. We were watching for about 30 seconds when the guy started squirting sperm. It was quite amazing. He squirted 8 or 9 of what I’ll call “ ropes “ or solid streams of sperm that all landed on the wall of the building. I heard Barbara say in a low muffled voice, “ holy shit “. The guy stood upright and turned towards us. His cock was hanging down, and still relatively erect. It had about a 8 inch strand of sperm hanging from it. The guy was about 6 feet tall, thin build, black, and probably in his mid 20’s. The guy looked at us and said, “ hey “. I think Barbara was shell shocked and didn’t say anything. I said, “ hey, nice show, thanks. “ The guy said, “ you guys like the show? “ This time Barb quickly answered, “ yeah, great show!!! “ The guy says, “ you wanna private show? “ I figured this was enough of that and said, “ why don’t you give us a way to contact you and we’ll be in touch. “ The guy didn’t have anything to write on so I asked Barb if she had a pencil & paper in her purse. She went thru her purse & came up with her check book & tore out a blank page from the check register section and handed it to him along with a ball point pen. The guy wrote down his name, Roland, along with a phone number, 216 ...