Date: 2/5/2017, Categories: True Story Author: spermlover

    ... or a 10 inch cock. So what’s the deal are you looking for something? “ “ Jesus Christ Gary, are you jealous or what? Why are you making accusations like that? What’s wrong with you? “ Barb got up from the kitchen table rather abruptly and said, “ I’m going to take a shower. “ “ Good idea Barb. I hope it’s an ice cold shower that cools off your hot head. “ On her way out of the kitchen as she turned the corner, I heard a muffled, “ fuck you “. I started really wondering what was going on in her mind. Normally, if she had something on her mind she’d just come out and tell me what she was thinking or if there was something that she wanted to talk about she just would. We were always 100% honest and open with each other. I decided that a some point during the day I was going to suggest that we have a 100% open and honest talk about all of his mainly to set my mind at ease and find out what was going on with her. There was not much conversation for the rest of the day. Early that evening, I went out & was gone for about an hour. When I returned, I didn’t put the car in the garage but rather left it in the driveway. I walked around to the side of the house and peered thru a window and Barb was sitting in the chair that she had been sitting in the night before and she was reading the swingers magazine again. I walked back to the car and opened the garage door and put the car away. From inside the house you can hear the garage door opener motor running when the door is opening or ...
    ... closing. When I walked in the TV was turned on and the magazine was no where in sight. I asked, “ what are ya watching? “ “ Oh, just a movie, “ Barb replied. “ What’s it about? “ I asked. “ Ummm, not really sure, I didn’t look it up in the Guide. “ I asked, “ how soon before it’s over? “ Barb said, “ I don’t know. Why? “ “ I was hoping we could talk a little bit and get some apparent issues out of the way. “ Barb reached for the channel changer and click the TV off. “ So go ahead and talk about these issues “ she said. “ OK, #1, I’d really like to know why you got ticked off when I asked you about the pages you had dog eared for like a reference mark in the magazine? #2, Just for the record I know that a few minutes ago you were looking at the magazine, I saw you thru the window. Then when I walked in the magazine is gone, where did you stuff it? #3, I don’t know why we can’t talk about “ things “ no matter what they are or what they pertain to? In the past we’ve always talked about everything, openly and honestly. What’s changed or what’s going on? “ Barb looked straight ahead for a few seconds, then up at the ceiling, then straight a me and said, “ OK everything out in the open, I’ll answer all your questions. Then I want to ask you a few and you have to answer them, OK? And, no matter what is said nobody gets hurt feelings, mad, or pissed, OK? “ I replied, “ fair enough, go ahead & answer my three questions. “ Barb started, “ OK, to #1, I don’t know why I got upset. Maybe I ...