1. My Surprise Gift

    12/18/2015: Hi, my name is Jessica and I am 17 years old. I'm not what you would call smart but I'm not dumb either. One thing I do know however, is when a boy likes me, mainly it because they have tents and not the kind you take on a camping trip. I can't blame them really (I'm shallow I know); I have long blonde hair that falls to my waist and blue eyes with thick eyelashes. My brows are perfectly sculpted read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Teen Male/Teen Female Author: SexyWriterOfErotica
  2. Seducing the Band Nerd

    12/16/2015: *5th PERIOD HISTORY CLASS* “Everyone gets to choose their own partners, you have three weeks to turn in the complete assignment. Partner up and get started!” Shouted Mr. Hayward our history teacher. Mr. Hayward was a pretty cool dude for a middle aged man going through a divorce. He gave out a lot of projects that took weeks to finish. I guess that was his way of keeping us busy while he focused read Sex Story
    Categories: Dark Fantasy First Time School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: TabooStories
  3. Oops, It's My Niece... Not My Sister-In-Law

    12/13/2015: Oops, It’s My Niece… Not My Sister-In-Law “ALRIGHT,” I said out loud as I drove up in front of Kate’s house and saw her clunker parked in the driveway, “Looks like I’ll get to knock off some pussy before I take a shower.” Just a little background, here, before I continue… Kate was my brother-in-law’s common law wife. After twenty four years together, she finally ran his sorry ass off to Alabama, read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Consensual Sex Hardcore Incest Male/Teen Female Oral Sex Rape Author: Don'sdick
  4. My sister's workout part 2

    12/12/2015: "Mom?" "Brian, what happen? You guys at home?" "Yeah, We are here.." "I'm gonna be late, Look after your sister, okay? Don't leave her alone". "I know , I know, She is not a kid by the way.." As soon as we came home, I called my mother to tell about what happened. Actually I told bunch of lies, that we discussed on our way home. My sister told me, mom went to the hospital to visit our neighbour read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Exhibitionism Humiliation Incest Male/Teen Female Young Author: Unknow user
  5. The Vacation part1 Me and Laura.

    12/11/2015: The day was cloudy I just stepped out the shower. I was so excited it's my first vacation out of state. I mean sure Chicago is a great city but after 14 years it gets...blah. My mom was cooking up a quick breakfast eggs and ham while I was busy drying off. I noticed my daily work out routine was starting to pay off. I'm 5 foot 9 inches tall I'm not out of shape but my belly gut poking out it read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Coercion Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Females, Young Author: Lolis.R.Legal

    12/11/2015: __My daddy had always read me a bedtime story before bed. Mom had always gone to bed early and it became ‘my time’ with my daddy. As I grew up I found a hot love story for him to read. I had it in my lap top and he sat on the side of my bed to read it to me. Ok, it was a trick on him. I knew it had some sex in it and I wanted to see if her would read it with deep smooth sexy voice. He had a soft read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Incest Male/Teen Female Young Author: blueheatt
  7. A Lovely View

    12/11/2015: “I can’t believe how hard it looked!” Wakaura said to Cloe as they dashed up the stairs, both giggling. “My brother’s is always so floppy.” “It’s ‘cause he wanted to have… you know… sex.” Cloe said this just as Wakaura opened the door to her bedroom and they finally exploded into full laughter, rolling on the floor. After only a few seconds, Wakaura stood and looked out the window. “Is he back?” read Sex Story
    Categories: Fantasy Exhibitionism Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Females, Voyeurism Young Author: Squirrelboy
  8. I tried to warn you- P.1

    12/10/2015: The pain was way to great for me to handle. I couldn't help myself. The anger, the love, the need, it was all to great for any man to handle. My name is Mathews. Mathews O'Neil, I am a 23 year old male, with no life, no job and no girlfriend, tho many girls have asked, offered, cause of the same reason. And that's how I want to keep it. I like the solitude, the emptiness in the air. Ever sat alone read Sex Story
    Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Cruelty Hardcore Incest Male/Teen Female Rape Author: Shadowweaver27
  9. Invisible Minds

    12/9/2015: I don't know when or even if, I was bitten by a radioactive spider. Or, perhaps, if I was exposed to some form of gamma radiation when I was a child. All I do know, is the day I noticed I had gained unique abilities. It started on my third day of school, my senior year of high school, which also happened to coincide with my eighteenth birthday. I was hanging out with my friend Steve when he read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Erotica Mind Control, Oral Sex Teen Male/Teen Female Young Author: Jwrites4you
  10. Revenge, Pt 15: The Decision

    12/8/2015: *IMPORTANT* This is a new account for superkev123, I can no longer access my old one, so I am re-posting all my old ones here, and will also be uploading new ones. Chapter 15 == I woke up to Jessica's voice softly calling my name. "Steven." she said, her hand against my cheek. I sat up quickly, causing her to jump back in surprise. It was completely dark in the room. I was still lying on the bed, read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction BDSM Domination/submission Male Domination, Romance Slavery, Teen Male/Teen Female Author: masterKDean2014