I tried to warn you- P.1
Date: 12/10/2015,
Dark Fantasy
Male/Teen Female
Author: Shadowweaver27
The pain was way to great for me to handle. I couldn't help myself. The anger, the love, the need, it was all to great for any man to handle. My name is Mathews. Mathews O'Neil, I am a 23 year old male, with no life, no job and no girlfriend, tho many girls have asked, offered, cause of the same reason. And that's how I want to keep it. I like the solitude, the emptiness in the air. Ever sat alone in the room all by your lonesome and thought the quietness was bliss? That's me... but constantly. I was blessed with a high motabolizm and a ungodly huge cock. But from a young age... nothing caught my intrest.. in the woman department - that is... except two. My 19 year old sister, Amanda, comes by unannounced every so often, with my mother, 45 year old Amber M. O'Neil, it's annoying, when people show up without calling. But I make an exception for them, cause you see.... I'm in love with both woman. And why shouldn't I be? They are both loveable, sweet, gorgeous, and VERY shapely. Any man would look at them and want them... unless you have other Preferencenes. But my fantasy scared and intrigued me, but I still feared for them if they ever came over. And sadly... they did. It was a Friday morning, spring break for high school students, I was lying in bed completely naked, staring up at the ceiling, unsure of what to do, and not to sure if I even had the motivation to even sit up. But then a nock at my fort door sounded, followed by my mother's caring and lovely voice. "Mathew ...
... dear, it's us again. Please open the door" at the sound of her voice, my dick hardened, and i groaned as I sat up. "On my way" I called out reluctantly and wrapped myself with a towel. As I reached the door a wicked thought flitted across my mind, but I pushed it back, not wanting to believe it could happen. But when I opened the door, the thought flooded back in like a flash fire. There, standing in front of me was my biggest fantasy, two woman, both my blood, and both their double D tits being hugged in their tight shirts, and both of them where here.... together. In their bathing suits. Instantly I felt a intense pull near my groin, and I gritted my teach as I allowed them in. " you guys now better than to show up like this " I growled grumply. Amanda ran up to me and hugged me her tits pressing against my crotch and lower stomach. Amanda being 19, was short for her age, but that didn't stop her... she was 4'9", and when she hugged me she would be looking up at me... and I stood 6"3. Once again the pain mixed with the lust. I closed my eyes and pushed her off, "Stop! Both of you... leave, Now!" I demanded. Shocked looks came over both their pale faces, Amanda's blue doe eyes fixed on me, and my mother's brown ones looked away... " I was thinking maybe I could leave Amanda here, with you..." No you can't be here... "... so I could do some shopping..."Suddenly, without any warning, I launched myself at my own mother, lust and pain, driving me. I dragged her to the ground with ...