Seducing the Band Nerd
Date: 12/16/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy First Time School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: TabooStories
*5th PERIOD HISTORY CLASS* “Everyone gets to choose their own partners, you have three weeks to turn in the complete assignment. Partner up and get started!” Shouted Mr. Hayward our history teacher. Mr. Hayward was a pretty cool dude for a middle aged man going through a divorce. He gave out a lot of projects that took weeks to finish. I guess that was his way of keeping us busy while he focused on his home life, non of my class minded anyway. “Do you have a partner yet, Davy?” I asked my friend who had the class with me and sat a few seats to the left. “Yeah man I’m with Claire this time” He replied. I was a bit annoyed that he paired up without me seeing as we always did our projects together. It forced our parents to let us spend extra time at each others houses especially during the school week. Claire was a girl he told me he had been texting for a about a week earlier that day and it all made sense after that realization. “Vanessa, partners?” I asked the girl who sat directly to my right. “Sure it’ll be fun” she replied. Vanessa was a flute player in the school band. She had pale skin and brunette hair. She was a lot shorter than I was. She wore glasses and dressed conservatively most days but occasionally she’d wear shirt that showed her perfect B cup cleavage and a pair of jeans that made her ass look bigger than usual. If I had to rate her honestly I’d give her a 6 but she was a very sexy 6. “Lets meet up after school and get right to work” she demanded. She took ...
... school very seriously. *WALKING WITH DAVY TO MEET VANESSA* “Bro you should totally try and see if you’d get any action from her” I told Davy. “I plan on it my dude but what about you and Miss Vanny?” He asked in return, he knew Vanessa since they were young and called her Vanny. They weren’t really close however. “Aww man! No way! She’s like a 6!” I quickly snapped back, denying that I found her attractive. “Haha a 6? Wow you must really like her bro” Davy said joking back. “Like who?” said a voice who had just joined us as we walked. “This girl in our cla…” Davy began to say but stopped once he noticed the voice that had joined us belonged to Vanessa who was now walking with us. “No one, wanna go to your place and start doing some research?” I asked her “Sure but you can’t stay long, my dad won’t be too happy with me having a boy over, project or not” We split up with Davy and headed back to her place, did a short research session and called it a night. The next couple of weeks went accordingly. We’d spend time at each others places doing our project. We got to know each other pretty well during the short time. We talked to each other about a lot of things in between talking about our assignment. She told me she was a virgin and that she was currently in a relationship which I hadn’t known before. She seemed to be in love with her current guy and never let off the vibe that she was the type to fool around on him, Id never expect her to anyway she was a virgin. *SEDUCING THE ...