1. I Used To Cum In Your Sister

    10/1/2015: A manager is interviewing a potential candidate and realizes that there is a connection to when he was younger. No mention of ages in this story. You can fill them in for your own personal pleasure. I sat there not believing who was in front of me, was it him or wasn’t it. At the time I had no way of knowing for sure. I just couldn’t come out and ask him, it would not be in the company policy. His read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction First Time Teen Author: lastone222, Source: sexstories.com
  2. She made my life better

    10/1/2015: This is going to be the best night of my life, today I was going to finally act on my feelings towards my loving girlfriend on 7 years. Tonight is our anniversary (January 1st) and I’ve been planning this for almost 5 years, I almost got caught with it a few times but my smooth awkward personality quickly dispersed her inquisitive nature. Tonight I was going to propose to my girlfriend and there read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Erotica Female Domination, Male/Teen Female Masturbation Oral Sex Romance Spanking, Teen Wife Young Author: CrazyBrit94, Source: sexstories.com
  3. O Mary part 1

    9/30/2015: How did I get here? Six hours ago I was relaxing with a drink at home, and now I'm leaned back on my best friends sofa with a seventeen year old sucking my left nipple, a fifteen year old mauling my right tit with his lips and hand, and a Twelve year old watching big eyed from across the room with his hand on his dick. It started when my best friend called me from Atlanta asking for help, her read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Author: Far Star, Source: sexstories.com
  4. Spell of Lust(part1)

    9/30/2015: Dr. Vladimir Alucard, a well renowned professor in the field of archeology. Many of his students, both male and female, have crushes on him, most foregoing subtlety and openly fawning over him not to mention the female teachers and other faculty or staff. Even a few of the male professors have shown interested in him. But who could blame them; he was well built and perfectly toned. His shiny read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Anal Bi-sexual Boy, Cum Swallowing First Time Incest Mind Control, Older Male / Female, Oral Sex Reluctance Teen Young Author: draculakey, Source: sexstories.com

    9/30/2015: THE BLEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The end of another day was drawing to a close, Ray sat on his porch staring at the night sky. Sighing he stretched his thick frame and ran a hand through his thick, curly, dark brown hair. Stepping inside he went to the cupboard to get something for the headache that was starting to pound in read Sex Story
    Categories: Science-Fiction, Alien, Consensual Sex Job/Place-of-work Male/Female Violence Author: pars001, Source: sexstories.com
  6. Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 23

    9/30/2015: CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE 8TH MONDAY Early Monday morning Mike gets the call. They need a load of goods in Calgary tonight. It's being loaded at the dock now. Mike says, "I'll be right over. Is Len with me?" "Len's out with Ernie. It's straight to the dock in Calgary, anyway. I expect they'll have something for you to bring back. I'll have one of the boys hook it all up for you and check your fuel." read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Cruelty Death, Erotica Male / Females Murder, Violence Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com
  7. The Family Slut, Part 1: Painful Initiation

    9/30/2015: I never imagined the world and the shitty little town I had lived in my whole life could be so fucked up. I was wrong... It all began when my mother sent my brother, sister, and I to town for groceries. We didn't have a vehicle, and we hadn't had one since I was little, so naturally, we had to walk.It was also my birthday that day, but my family usually ignored my birthday when it came around, so read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Bondage and restriction Cruelty Cum Swallowing Humiliation Incest Male / Females Oral Sex Rape Threesome Virginity Author: aquazephyria, Source: sexstories.com
  8. Celestial Fall - Chapter 5-6

    9/29/2015: Chapter Five Excerpts from the Past Immortality—dazzling idea! Who first imagined thee! Was it some jolly burgher of Nuremburg, who with night-cap on his head, and white clay pipe in mouth, sat on some pleasant summer evening before his door, and reflected in all his comfort, that it would be right pleasant, if, with unextinguishable pipe, and endless breath, he could thus vegetate onwards for a read Sex Story
    Categories: Science-Fiction, Death, Non-Erotic, Violence Author: Fatesknight, Source: sexstories.com
  9. Sally and Billy's Second Date

    9/29/2015: Sally and Billy's Second Date When Sally got home from her first date with Billy, she headed straight to the bathroom. She took a long hot bubble bath. Her freshly deflowered pussy was quite sore, and she thought a bath would help. She also wanted to remove the aroma of sex she knew would be all over her body. After washing herself, Sally blissfully soaked in the hot water and day-dreamed about read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Male/Teen Female Oral Sex School Author: Lucky Mann, Source: sexstories.com
  10. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    9/29/2015: Again, this is not my story, just one that I have read over and over. Dog Days of Summer - 4 by Ken L. Master *** A high-school freshman continues his adventures living inside the German Shepherd belonging to three beautiful women next door *** Chapter Four: Twistin' By the Pool The house was wonderfully quiet without the girls blasting rock n' roll loud enough to rattle the windows; Angela read Sex Story
    Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com