1. O Mary part 1

    Date: 9/30/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Far Star, Source: sexstories.com

    How did I get here? Six hours ago I was relaxing with a drink at home, and now I'm leaned back on my best friends sofa with a seventeen year old sucking my left nipple, a fifteen year old mauling my right tit with his lips and hand, and a Twelve year old watching big eyed from across the room with his hand on his dick. It started when my best friend called me from Atlanta asking for help, her plane was delayed due to weather and she wouldn't make it home tonight. Her Ex was out of the picture and there was no one to check on her boys. I said it wasn't a problem, did she need me to check on them, spend the night,or what? "If you don't mind make sure they eat something and they're OK, Lou's old enough to take charge for the night. Maybe check in the morning" I agreed, took a deep breath and got ready to go. I arrived wearing a bright yellow halter top, cut low in the front with a single button at the back of my neck holding it together, and loose black silky running shorts. The top complimented my summer tan quite well and my tits pushed out against the cups of the halter top, nipples standing slightly, making me look hot. I was thinking the boys were sure to have good dreams tonight. At least the older two. Knowing they were all in a swimming club and had practiced after school I had stopped and bought a chicken dinner and a twelve pack of soda for their dinner, I got out of my Mustang and carried it to the door. As I knocked I could hear laughter and noise in the house, the ...
    ... boys joking with each other and seemed to really be getting into it. The door opened and Andy was standing in front of me a little red faced with a smile on his face and those sparkly cat eyes looking first at my face, then down to my tits. I noticed his eyebrows go up a little and felt the tingle a forty year old feels when noticed by a fifteen year old. "Hey guys, what's so funny" I chuckled as I walked in. Lou was sitting at the breakfast bar with his back to me wearing a sleeveless T shirt and swim trunks. He was chuckling and said, "Andy's girl told him he doesn't kiss for shit." he laughed "I'm sure not gonna show him how!" Andy turned a deeper red and was grinning shyly, trading looking between the floor and then my chest. I felt sorry for him but at the same time had to admit it was funny. I had to smile and wink at him. As I set the dinner on the counter Lou turned and caught sight of me "Wow Mary" he said, "WHere are you going tonight?" "You really look good." "You should wear yellow all the time." I put this on for you guys" I stood away from the bar turning slowly for them to see. "How do I look?" My legs are long, muscled and tan. My calf's are nice and shaped from running and my thighs fill the leg openings of my short gym shorts. "Hot" said Lou "Too good to be setting here" he laughed "Lets go dancing, I can show you some hot moves" he flirted Lou was seventeen, I've known him since he was born. He's turned into a handsome athletic teaser with sandy hair and ...