1. O Mary part 1

    Date: 9/30/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Far Star, Source: sexstories.com

    ... soft brown eyes, a small nose and wide soft looking lips. He's about six foot one with a swimmers body, very wide shoulders, very thin hips. With strong thighs an, big arms and those relaxed movements good swimmers get as they move. God knows what he'll be like in three or four years. "Hey! Don't leave us behind and go dancing with Lou" twelve year old Eddy burst out. "Stay here and teach Andy how to kiss the way his girl wants him too!" "And Lou and I can watch!" That brought a moment of silence then we all laughed. Andy was about five feet nine inches tall with strait blond hair, brown eyes, and a dark tan like Lou. Unlike Lou he's still rail thin with each muscle on his frame standing out proudly. His eyes are his outstanding feature though. they have always reminded me of a content cat, confident and penetrating, brown and slightly slanted. His shoulders were muscled and smooth, his chest well defined. I could see the wheels turning after he laughed. I could also see the bulge in his trunks I have to admit I took a couple short breaths myself. "That's a good idea" Andy said grinning while looking in my eyes. "I think I could use the help." "I can't imagine anyone I'd rather have show me how." "It may take a few months though to get good." "I may need refreshers from time to time too." That brought some Oo's and Ahhhs! "Lets eat dinner I said and talk about it later" I was trying to make up my mind if I should. I felt bad for what his girl had said, but this was outside ...
    ... my area of responsibility. But the clumsy flirting and attention was so intoxicating. I knew I should leave but didn't want to. "Lou, why don't you pour the drinks, I'll put dinner on the plates and lets eat" I was dishing out the chicken, not paying attention till Lou handed my a glass. "Have one of Mom 's Wine Coolers if you want Mary" Lou invited. I was still buzzing from the drinks at home and really didn't need one. But it sounded good and I took it. We were all sitting at the breakfast bar eating and making small talk when Eddie who's the mischievous one started in again. "Come on Mary, teach us to kiss like hotties." "I wanna impress the girls." "What girls?" Andy laughed, "You still have Moms milk dripping off your chin." Eddy turned red but as always kept his smile and took the jokes in stride "What makes you think I'm a good kisser I asked him", I was enjoying this "You're so pretty" Eddy said seriously. "I've fantasized about it." said Andy Everyone laughed again and I finished the first wine cooler and took another from Lou The room was dimly lit, the television was turned to MTV playing music with the volume down low, I could hear ice rattling in the glasses as we teased back and forth and ate, it was relaxing, I felt powerful and wanted. The attempts at flirting were putting a burning feeling in my chest and my pussy was pulsing. I thought what the hell and I gave in. Lets see where this leads. "OK guys, but you can't tell your Mom","She'd never forgive me" I ...