1. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com

    Again, this is not my story, just one that I have read over and over. Dog Days of Summer - 4 by Ken L. Master *** A high-school freshman continues his adventures living inside the German Shepherd belonging to three beautiful women next door *** Chapter Four: Twistin' By the Pool The house was wonderfully quiet without the girls blasting rock n' roll loud enough to rattle the windows; Angela slipped in one of her favorite CD's, finally getting a chance to listen to some of her jazz collection. She really loved her daughters, but it was nice to get a break, a chance to listen to her own music, have a drink and relax by the pool; she was humming as she mixed a small pitcher of Margaritas and headed outside in her bikini. Flowerbeds along the walkway to the pool area were a riot of colorful blooms as Angela stepped off the patio. The perfectly manicured lawn was soft and clean-feeling under her feet, and the cement apron area by the sparkling pool was not as hot to walk over as the flagstones behind the house. The eight-foot privacy fence surrounding the back yard had seemed like an extravagance when Ben first had it put up, but Angela quickly realized an oasis of total privacy in the middle of suburbia was a wonderful thing at any price. An umbrella table and rattan & wicker basket chairs were arranged near the pool, with chaise loungers for sunbathing; sighing in satisfaction, Angela set the frosty pitcher of Margaritas on the table beside her, leaned back in the chair and ...
    ... closed her eyes. The afternoon sun was broiling hot, and she could feel her nipples rising from the heat baking through her scanty suit bra. The suntanned blonde stretched her long legs and debated taking a swim, but the lure of an icy Margarita was more inviting than the pool right now. She poured a drink and watched in amusement as Rex galloped across the lawn and trotted up the walkway to the patio; she chuckled as the big dog paced in a circle and finally lay down, watching her intently and wagging his tail while relaxing in the shade. The sweating secretary gulped down her first drink and quickly poured another, relishing the cooling lime flavor against her suddenly dry lips. The afternoon sun poured soothing warmth over her skin and the tall blonde felt the Margaritas percolating into her blood as she lay drowsing in the chair. By the time she finished the third glass, Angela's thoughts were spinning and she was dizzy in her chair; three quick drinks on an empty stomach were definitely enough to give her a serious buzz, she thought, what a lightweight. She leaned back and closed her eyes, enjoying the floating buzz and the enervating sunshine; she felt too lazy and relaxed to even lift a hand to wipe away the sweat beading up on her forehead. Staying up late last night to finish the Powerpoint presentation for work had cost her some sleep time, and the combination of sun and Margaritas was baking her into a drowsy trance. She had a brief impulse to pull herself up and go ...