1. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pussy. Was it the delicious scent and taste of Angela's snatch that made his cock throb into erection or the mortified woman's helpless fear and desperation that made him so excited? The long-legged blonde made a pleading whimper as shivers raced from her taut thighs over her belly; the huge Shepherd ignored the shivering woman's desperate whining, his wide tongue stroking rhythmically against the soaked cloth stretched over her sensitive clit. The big dog soundlessly continued lapping and snuffling over the trapped secretary's spread crotch, regardless of her whimpering pleading and writhing. The hapless blonde gave another muffled shriek of horror and outrage, jerking her hips to try and escape the determined animal. She didn't realize how much her struggling was annoying the big dog until the irritated beast snarled menacingly at her snatch. Angela stopped twisting and screaming, freezing in place as angry Billy snapped viciously between her legs, his gleaming fangs inches away from her bush. Billy had no intention of leaving so much as a bruise on that gorgeous tanned skin, but the terrified blonde widow couldn't realize that the big dog wouldn't rip her throat out. Angela collapsed on the chair, trembling and helpless as the Shepherd immediately continued his eager tongue job; the big dog never slowed the dedicated eager licking at her crotch. As soon as the terrified blonde lay still, the animal intensified the maddening licking, tail again wagging contentedly as he ...
    ... slurped and drooled over the secretary's dripping bronze-bushed pussy. As agonized minutes crawled past, Angela's breathing quickened and her nipples started to stiffen and stand up inside her bikini top; the secretary's stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her increasingly steamy snatch. The inescapable eager tongue swarming over her spandex-sheathed bush made the captive blonde squirm and sweat despite her terror of the gleaming fangs that kept her pinned motionless in the seat for him. When her agitated pussy slowly began dripping into her drool-soaked suit, Billy began licking harder and faster at the panicked woman's crotch spread open in front of him. Billy grinned with delight as his animal tongue lapped the first trickle of her juice. He growled with excitement and satisfaction as he smelled and tasted the terrified blonde's pussy responding in spite of her horror. The hair on Angela's arms was standing up and her tits broke out in goosebumps as he lapped her; she lay helpless on the seat, crying speechlessly with the excited Shepherd sitting between her trembling thighs, moaning through her nose as the fiery rough tongue danced over her throbbing pubes. As the interminable licking continued, Angela was gasping for breath so hard she couldn't even try to scream anymore. She opened her eyes and blinked frantically through the tears when there was a sudden break in the rhythm of the dog's persistent licking. She sobbed in despair as the huge Shepherd pulled his ...