1. Dog days of summer Ch 4

    Date: 9/29/2015, Categories: Fiction Bestiality, Author: jayiscool, Source: sexstories.com

    ... for a swim, but before she could convince herself to move, the tipsy blonde fell sound asleep, sprawled out in the comfortable basket chair. The sun slipped lower in the sky as the unconscious secretary snored softly, at peace with the world; she was out like a light when the big Shepherd trotted off the patio and made his way quietly around the edge of the pool. Angela woke from her nap to find Rex standing silently in front of her chair, watching her intently; she thought for a confused moment that she must be having a dream or some weird hallucination. The Shepherd was staring straight at her, with a look the stunned woman felt was somehow purposeful, deliberating. The blonde's eyes widened as the huge animal stretched lazily and stepped closer toward her; Rex was a mixed-breed Shepherd-wolf, nearly as tall at the shoulder as a Dane or mastiff, with erect triangle ears and a thick shiny coat. Billy knew his dog body was scarily impressive, much bigger than any of the Phillips women, at least a hundred and thirty or forty pounds, like a dog out of an adventure movie. He also knew from talking with Amber that her mother was secretly utterly terrified of the animal, though she tried to cover it up. Angela couldn't look away from the big dog's penetrating stare, and she had the feeling he understood her flash of fear. Billy knew without a doubt that Angela Phillips was petrified, totally unable to resist Rex's onslaught, and he was in a determined and animally aggressive mood ...
    ... today. Angela Phillips had just turned 38, but her youthful face and perfect figure made her look at least ten years younger; Billy had often heard his Mom bitching that everyone said Angela looked more like an older sister than Jade's mother. Every man in town had the screaming hots for the gorgeous widow's taut body, and Billy was determined that today he and Rex were going to get what nobody else was getting. Jade had turned out to be pretty hot for doggie licking, but the horny freshman really didn't care whether Angela turned out to respond that way; like it or not, this sweet MILF was going to give the big dog some pussy. The pretty secretary sat dead still and watched anxiously as the dog approached; she flinched when Rex sniffed at her toes and his cold nose slid over her ankle. As Billy had expected, Angela was rigid with apprehension as the big dog took another step forward and settled on his haunches between her feet, his shoulders between her knees. He stared up at the helpless woman, licking his lips as Angela's hands tightened against the chair arms. The hapless blonde thought she'd simply die of sheer mortification when the Shepherd casually poked his muzzle against her bare knee and began sniffing his way up the smooth skin of her inner thigh. Her breath caught in her throat as Billy thrust his nose higher between her suntanned thighs; he chuckled in his room as he felt the involuntary shiver run up the woman's thigh. He realized he could smell her fear as he ...