1. Daddy's Girl

    Date: 9/19/2015, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    ... trying to lighten the mood a bit. "No, nothing like that. You remember when we were talking earlier about our parents and how we missed them? Well like I told you I was very close to my dad, and when he died I kinda went... well it affected me in a very odd way. Do you know what a "little" is? It is a woman who, for whatever reason, enjoys roleplaying the part of a little girl. Well my daddy's death made me want to find a daddy and I became a little," I said, fidgeting with my hands as I waited for his reaction. Mark took his time, thinking about and processing what I had said. I was about to tell him to forget I said anything when he spoke again. "I see. Tell me more. How old are you when you are a little girl - are we talking bottles and diapers and such?" "No not that young. I guess I'm around eight or ten. I have a 'stuffie' - a stuffed teddie bear, and my favorite doll, Lilly, but no diapers or bottles or even a pacifier. I just like the security that I used to know when I was young... when my father was still around," I said. "Well I can understand that. I know there have been a lot of times when I wished my father was still around." he admitted. "So what do you do as a... little?" "Well I do everything a regular ten year old girl does. I like to play house, I like playing dress up, I love cuddling, and things like that," I told him. I couldn't believe he was actually interested in this stuff! I thought for sure when I told him I was a little girl, he would head for ...
    ... the hills! "I see. And how about... um... how do you..." he stalled. "What Mark? What are you asking?" I asked him. "Well what about... sex? Do you...?" "Oh yeah, I enjoy sex even as a little, but a bit differently. I'm not a virgin, real or pretend, but as a little girl, I want to show my 'Daddy' that I'm a big girl so I am a real potty mouth. I am a little girl who wants to show she can do grown up things, can you understand that?" I explained. "All little girls want to act more grown up than they are just like boys want to be thought of as men. My difference is that I really am grown up." "A potty mouth?" he asked, with a little grin on his face. "Yeah, I tend to talk dirty and say things a little girl ought not to say. I know it will get me in trouble and I kinda want that. But it is also my way of acting grown up and showing 'Daddy' I am a big girl." "Oh, okay." There was a long and excruciatingly uncomfortable silence. I looked down and fidgeted with my hands, looking for something to say. Mark sat there taking in and processing what I had told him. Neither of us knew what to say next. Finally I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Mark? What are you thinking?" I asked, terrified I might not like the answer. I really wanted this guy and I may have just blown any chance I had. "Well it is certainly not what I expected. I understand what you have told me..." he started. My heart dropped and I prepared myself for the worst. "and I will admit that it will be interesting in ...