1. Daddy's Girl

    Date: 9/19/2015, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    ... on the spot. His blue eyes were so kind and twinkled as he spoke and I felt my legs go weak at his voice. "I... I'm Rebecca," I stammered. I could feel my cheeks getting hot and I knew I must be blushing beet red. He reached over the fence and offered his hand. Taking it, I felt the restrained strength in his grip. His hand was rugged and rough - a real working man's hand. But he held my small hand so soft and gentle, like he had a tiny bird instead of my hand in it. "It's nice to meet you Rebecca," he said smiling again. "You... can call me... Becky," I said shyly. "Well it's nice to meet you Becky," he repeated. "Nice to meet you too Mark," I said, blushing again. Now I am not normally a shy person, but Mark's presence was so powerful and assertive that it took my breath away. We had just started talking when one of the other men came up behind Mark. "Excuse me boss, but the truck is here with the decking materials," the other man said. "So you're the boss? I should have figured," I said, coyly. "Yeah I'm the boss. And I guess I should get back to work. It was nice talking to you though, Becky," Mark said. He turned and went back to work and I went back to inside my apartment. As luck would have it, I have a window in my apartment that faces my neighbors house. I use it to watch their house when they go on one of their frequent trips. But now that window allowed me to watch the construction, and more importantly my new friend Mark, at work. I watched as the truck the ...
    ... other man mentioned pulled around to unload. Castle Construction was the sign on the side of the truck with a phone number on it. I wrote down the phone number on a pad and put it near the phone for later. I had made a pitcher of iced tea that morning, planning to enjoy some that afternoon, but now I found a new way to enjoy the iced tea. I gathered together every glass I had in the place and hoped I had enough. I put the pitcher on a platter along with the glasses and took it all next door. Walking around the side of the house, I found Mark talking to one of his men. I waited for a minute until he was done talking and then his worker nodded and he turned around. "Oh, hi Becky, what can I do for you?" he asked. "Um... I thought, well it's pretty hot out, and..." I said, not knowing the words to say. Mark's bearing and the aura that surrounded him made my tongue fail me and I just shut up rather than make more of a fool out of myself. "So you brought this for us," he said, finishing my sentence. "Thank you, Becky." He smiled at me with his sparkling blue eyes. My heart leapt and my breath caught in my throat. All I could do was return his smile, looking down shyly. I poured the iced tea into glasses and passed them out to everyone. Fortunately, I had brought enough glasses and the tea held out until everyone had gotten a glass. After everyone finished their tea, the guys put their glasses back on the tray and I got ready to take them back home. "I really appreciate your ...