1. Daddy's Girl

    Date: 9/19/2015, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    I met the man I call "Daddy" when I was in college. I was a first year student in business administration and management at Indiana Tech. It was beautiful, sunny, springtime day in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and I was in the backyard of the apartment I had rented off-campus, just soaking up some sun one Saturday afternoon. It had been an unusually long cold winter that year and the sun felt wonderful on my skin. I was wearing my mini-shorts (think the shorts that professional cheerleaders wear) and my bikini top. Sitting in a chaise lounge chair with my sunglasses on, the warmth of the sun was making me very drowsy. I was just about to fall asleep there in the chair when I suddenly heard a noise in the backyard of the house next door. I sat up, but I still couldn't see because of the bushes blocking my view. My curious nature got the better of me and I got up and went over to see what was happening. That's when I saw him... my future Daddy. I should probably explain. I am what is known as a "little" or little girl. While I am chronologically 20 years old, I enjoy living as a little girl. The Daddy/little girl relationship I enjoy is not an incestuous one. My daddy is not my father or any other blood relation. Instead he is a man who cares for me and looks out for me as his part of the roleplay game we both enjoy. He likes taking care of me and calls me his little girl and I like pleasing him and calling him daddy. We take these roles because we enjoy them and because it fills a ...
    ... need in us. I need the comfort, protection, and love my daddy gives me. He, in turn, needs me as well. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement we both enjoy and are perfectly happy with. Anyway, that Saturday as I peeked over the top of the solid wood fence, I saw him. He was gorgeous! The neighbors were putting in a deck and he was part of the construction crew hired to do the work. Standing six foot four inches tall and weighing about 230 pounds, he was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Because it was warm that day, he had taken his shirt off and that only showed off his thick, muscular chest, bulging biceps, and washboard abs. He was in peak condition and as I watched I could feel my pussy getting wet. I stared at him, mouth open for several minutes until he suddenly looked up from where he was nailing down some boards and saw me. Instantly I dropped down behind the fence embarrassed to have gotten caught snooping. I gave it a few seconds, then peeked over the fence again. He had gone back to his work and I ogled him some more. Once again he looked up unexpectedly and caught me watching him. I ducked down again, kicking myself this time for getting caught twice. I waited, then peeked over the fence once more. This time however, he was waiting for me and as I looked over the fence he was there! Oh my god - he had come over to the fence and was waiting for me to pop my head back up! "Hi there, my name is Mark," he said. He flashed me a smile that melted my heart ...