1. Daddy's Girl

    Date: 9/19/2015, Categories: Fetish, Author: MasterJonathan, Source: LushStories

    ... This man was really putting on the charm! I went to the bathroom and once I had found a vacant stall and sat down, I noticed that my pussy was very wet. Mark was definitely getting to me and I knew that I was going to have a hard time keeping my cool this night! I made short work of my bathroom routine and went back to my date as quick as I could. We ate our dinner and talked - it was amazing how much we had in common! We both had lost a parent lately. Mark lost his father a couple years ago as he told me and I had lost my father a bit more recently. My mother had been gone for some time so I was really a daddy's girl, and the loss of my father really left me lonely and I missed having someone. Neither of us had ever been married although Mark had lived with a past girlfriend and her daughter. Mark said he missed having someone call him daddy. I sat and listened to Mark talk and was mesmerized by how he talked about his life. And the more he talked, the more I found myself attracted to him. I had never met anyone like him. I'd had boyfriends in the past, sure, and I had long since given up my cherry, but Mark was unique. Something about him just got to me, and I wanted him. Badly. We finished our dinners and after Mark paid the bill and we left the restaurant, we got to the car and as we pulled out of the parking lot, Mark turned to me. "So do you have to get right home or would you like to go for a drive?" he asked me. "I don't need to rush home. I'd love to go for a ...
    ... drive," I said. I didn't want the date to end and I was glad he didn't either. So I let him drive and I sat there just enjoying talking and being with him. He drove to Traders Point Park, a small park on the banks of the St. Mary's River. We stopped and got out to walk a bit. As we walked, he took my hand and my heart flopped in my chest like a fish out of water! We walked until we got to a large oak tree and he stopped. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "This is a favorite spot of mine. I come to the park here when I have had a stressful day and unwind a bit," he said. "So have you had a stressful day today?" "Hardly. Today has been one of the best days I can remember. No, I just wanted to show it to you." "It's very beautiful," I said, blushing a bit. That's when Mark made his move. Mark looked at me for a second before taking me gently by the upper arms and pushing me back against the tree. "It's very beautiful now that you are here," he said, reaching up to stroke my cheek. As he stroked my cheek soft and gentle, I felt my panties getting wet. My legs trembled and I gripped the trunk of the tree to keep from falling. I closed my eyes and a soft, almost imperceptible moan escaped. Then suddenly, I felt his lips softly brushing across mine. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him to me without thinking. I couldn't help myself, this man had hit all the right marks and in just the right order. I kissed him hard and parted my mouth as an invitation for his tongue. He took up ...