1. Court Record Chapter Six

    Date: 9/9/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... the morning with her gone. She sure could take advantage of that later if she needed to. “Jayson, I just got enough of music camp…the snooty councilors…the snooty student…the forced practice and mostly the performances. I am not a performer. I want to write music someday I guess, but they think everyone should be a performer. Composition classes were good, but there were not many of those. Every day it was one performance class followed by another. So I went to the office yesterday and packed it in for a bit. Anyhow, that councilor you met last week brought me home this morning early. He needed to be back there for his first master class at ten. My bags are out on the side entryway, could you have someone take them to my room?” With that Sarah played a few cords signaling the conversation was over. Jayson made a couple friendly comment of welcome, agreed he would have her bags unpacked and was on his way. “You play lovely Miss Sarah,” Came floating back as he shut the door. Sarah was alone with her piano and her books, just like always before, but now unlike before she had all the memories of her time with Scotty. It gave her a momentary joy, like finishing a really good long novel. A feeling that she had a very precious gift no one could ever take away. As she moved back from the library to her bedroom she was again filled with sadness. What a terrible emotional rollercoaster. She walked into the ...
    ... room, shut the door, locked it behind her, and collapsed on the bed. Tiredness had just caught up with her. All night she and Scott had been very uncomfortably wrapped together in the back seat of his car. Neither had slept more than just a couple very little cat naps as they worried and waited for the sunrise. Sleep came instantly now; deep, dark exhausted sleep. A good long time later she was awakened by knocking at her bedroom door. It was Jayson delivering the message that it was eight in the evening, the staff had gone for the day, but they had put together a dinner for her when she got up. It took twenty minutes for Sarah to clear the cobwebs with splashes of cold water and get down to the dining room where Jayson had heated her food and set everything in order. Once she was eating he took his leave. Jayson was done for the day. His duty hours were very sanctimonious. She would probably not hear anything more from him until eight tomorrow morning. Sarah finished, placed her dishes on a tray for the help to clean up, and proceeded back down the marble hall and up the steps to her bedroom. Loneliness moved with her like Linus’s cloud of dirt. She could not escape it. Jayson’s living quarters were on the lowest level. He had one final duty at eleven; it was to check building security and set alarms for the night. Other than that, he was done and would only be available in an emergency. Tragedy 