Court Record Chapter Six
Date: 9/9/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
... the car had turned onto the highway and disappeared she unlocked the big old oak door and quietly went in. She stood for a moment just inside the door overwhelmed with loneliness…it came over her like a dark blanket. One step at a time she proceeded up the marble staircase and down the hall to her bedroom. She shut the door, bolted it, and collapsed on the bed. Silently she cried into a pillow. Her grief was inconsolable. Over a half hour passed before she heard movements somewhere in the estate; enough to bring her to the reality. The only thing she had left of Scotty was the game plan they had developed together. She owed him so much and right now she owed him her maturity. She had to buck up, get dressed properly and get about finishing the plan. Among everything else, now she had to be the actor she knew she could be. She was not going to spoil their game plan with bad dialog. She had to protect Scotty and the life he had built at Apple Valley. She had to move back into her former life in this forsaken place seamlessly. It had to go like clockwork. She went down and appeared for breakfast as normal. The kitchen staff treated her like nothing had happened. They undoubtedly thought she had just come home from camp on schedule last night while they were off work. She was politely served what she asked for and when finished eating, she got up, thanked the server and left the dining room. She had met the first test. She had acted the part. Nothing was suspicious. She was ...
... over the first hurdle. She returned down the long marble hall and up the spiral staircase to her bedroom; as she moved along loneliness swept over her; a haunting, unending emptiness. Thoughts of breakfast on the picnic table with Scotty, the smell of the apple trees, the warm smile of someone who really knew her and loved her, his soft, gentle words. She was filled with deep seated self pity. There was nothing but bad memories here. She was haunted by this enormous place and the sad, boring, lonely years she had spent here. She was alone again. She could not bring herself to even wonder about Jayson’s whereabouts or for that matter any other member of the staff. As she moved along the marble corridor and up the spiral staircase to the music room; she was absolutely alone. Scotty was alone. The world was a very lonely place. She sat down at the piano bench and played a few arpeggios which were familiar and friendly. Beside her on the bench was a tall stack of sheet music most of which she had pretty much committed to memory. The Steinway began to get a real workout. It seemed the more violent the selection the better Sarah played it, and the better she felt. For nearly an hour she played without pausing until she was interrupted by the large oak door swinging open behind her and Jayson entering. He was very formal as usual. He politely questioned why she had come back from camp. She sensed from his demeanor he had slept in…certain that was going to again be quiet around here in ...