1. Court Record Chapter Six

    Date: 9/9/2016, Categories: True Story Male / Female Teens, Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... put on that paper?” “I gave him my mother’s name and the address, and telephone number of a condo my dad keeps in the city. I thought it might confuse things enough to give us some time.” Clem was coming apart; his hands shaking. Tears stained his face. “Time for what, sweetheart? We have no time. Out time is over. Somebody somewhere wants to steal our time and killed our dream.” Scotty, we have time to run away. We have at least a day or two to figure out some good place to go…maybe Canada. I just want to be with you anywhere!” She began crying harder. She was beginning to face the reality of things. She knew they could not run…a teenage girl and a middle aged convicted felon. Clem looked down at her. His face conveyed all the love that filled his heart. All of his fears were now directly in front of him. He had to face them bravely. He had to have all his priorities right, and the highest priority was Sarah’s young life. She could not suffer from this in any way. The Army captain took over. It was reality time, the novel was over. Sarah’s story with him was finished. It was finished when the sheriff pulled into the yard. Clem was the adult here and had to take charge and face things head on for both of them, “Sarah, There is only one answer…only one way out of this for us. Listen to me. Go upstairs NOW and pack everything you have into those pull bags. We will load the car tonight and leave here as soon as we can. We must conclude that Sheriff Jacks may get more suspicious ...
    ... and come back with a warrant tonight. HE may be able to get feedback from New York yet tonight. There is no way to predict how fast the law will move, believe me. As soon as we get our stuff together we will go out to the camp grounds at Spring Lake and spend the night. No one will know we are there. It is late enough we won’t even have to check in with the ranger until morning. Tomorrow morning early, music camp ends for you…you just got fed up with it…I will act as your councilor again and take you home. We will end this book right there. Jayson will believe you and give a good report to your dad when he gets home. Your life can return to normal. No one will suspect a thing. All you have to do is just start living a normal life and make sure you never say a word about this.” Sarah looked up at him through tearing eyes, “Yah! Shithead and what about you? They come out here with a warrant. I am gone. I am missing. No one can find me. No one knows a thing about me. No one knows I am alive. You are a felon and a fucked up recluse. They will arrest you in a minute and search for my body on every square foot of this farm. They will convict you of who knows what. They don’t need a body to put you away for the rest of your life. No fucking way I am going to leave you. I will stay and face the music. I love you so much…you have done nothing wrong…only given me the dreams of a lifetime. Surely, someone will understand. If I am here you have a chance. If I am gone you have no chance.” ...