1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... looked around, wishing everyone would just get along. It was a beautiful day despite being a bit chilly, and she daydreamed about spending it with her friends on an island beach somewhere. Robbie and Trina were actually becoming good friends now. While Robbie had let what happened with them go, the idea of dating her again was pretty foregone. Trina, on the other hand actually still had feelings for the skinny nerd, but did what she could to hide that fact. Robbie was still heavily enamored with Cat, but given her sexual preferences, he really didn't stand a chance with her so he had just retired to the idea that he would be single forever. Luckily, Andre, Nate, Freddie, and Beck, when he would actually put a word in, were there to talk to when Trina decided to finally give him some space. The 12 teens had mini sandwiches and drinks, sitting at the table for over an hour before Carly realized her br*ther still hadn't shown up. She was just about to call Spencer when she saw that he had already texted her. -Off 2 lunch with this cute girl I met. Will call later when I'm heading back. Love ya, k*ddo. Spencer is already going on dates with girls, Carly thought; we haven't even been here 24 hours. She quickly replied and got back to gabbing with all the other k*ds, everyone tossing out their rants, raves, and personal ideas about iCarly. Personally, she couldn't wait until she could just end the show and take a lot of the fame and pressure off and end stuff like this. As lunch ...
    ... ended, Jade reminded everyone about the Christmas party at her house the next night. After that, one by one, they went their separate ways until finally there was no one left but Tori and Nate. He held her close and once everyone was completely gone, he kissed her on her head and she fully kissed him back softly. Tori was always really particular about PDA, but little stuff like this didn't get to her. Nate was a great guy to Tori, and he was always nice, supportive, and he was very handsome. For all intents and purposes, Tori should have been all over him. Her last few boyfriends had been pretty scummy and most were more focused on other stuff than her, especially Beck. But Nate was nothing like that, and while it was comforting to know that he was different and she felt safe with him, she still had this feeling that something just wasn't right with them. Unlike Beck, Nate didn't actually push her to have sex, which was really surprising for a teenage guy. They had done a lot of making out in the two months they had been together, and he had gone down on her, but they had yet to cross the line completely. She wondered if that was a sign of something, or perhaps he was a virgin and didn't want to take that step. But if he was as in love with her as he said he was, he should want to take the relationship to the next level, right? Despite all her doubts, she really did like Nate and she enjoyed being in a relationship with someone so caring and nice and sweet, and just different. ...