1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... She pushed her face into his chest, his warm pecs being the perfect home for her chilled face. "I love you." His words threw Tori off so much that she nearly fell out of her seat. She knew it, but this was the first time he had just outright said it. "I... love you too, Nathan." "Do you really?" he said, looking into her eyes, searching for the answer he desperately needed. "I... I think so. I mean... I guess I was just responding and I didn't know what else to say, but I do love you and I really like being with you." Despite her positivity, Nate felt his heart sink. She was just appeasing him at this point and that was the last thing he wanted. "Well, that's ok. But don't say something you don't mean, Tori. If you don't felt that way about it, it's ok. Not the end of the world. But please don't lie to me." "You're right," she said, putting her head to his chest again. "I'm sorry. I just panicked." "S'all good, pretty lady," he said, hugging her tight and putting his confident and playful face on. "Now, why don't we get you someplace warm?" Tori just nodded as they stood up and walked to his truck, hand in hand. After jumping into the cab, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek before laying her head on his shoulder. "Let's go to your place, babe, I really don't want to go home and see what Trina's done with the Christmas decorations." "Sure thing, babe," Nate said, smiling through his heartache, but looking forward to the alone time they would be having. * * * Halfway ...
    ... across town, Spencer and Amy wrapped up their sushi lunch and she somehow convinced him to come back to her flat. He was surprised at how good the sushi joint was, but there were a ton of people there so it felt a little cramped. There was something strange about this girl, and yet also very familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. But he liked her, and that was certainly something. To say that her apartment was different would be a huge understatement, but it seemed oddly fitting for her. The place was an absolute mess, but what caught Spencer's eyes more than anything was that it was like nerd heaven. The walls were adorned with all sorts of Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings paraphernalia. Action figures and busts of characters were on shelves, and perhaps weirdest of all, there were sexy pictures of her on the walls. "Nice place you got here, Amy." "You're so full of shit. This place is a dump, Spencer. Don't lie." She cleared off space on the couch for them and Spencer sat down while Amy did a few things around the apartment. "I'm not lying," he said. "You have some really cool stuff here. I never imagined you would be into all this stuff." "Well, it's not a great opening line. Can you imagine if I had said, "Hey, I'm Amy. How would you like to see my scale model of the Millennium Falcon above my bed"?" "I actually might have said yes to that, given the implication." The two shared a laugh while she raced around the apartment doing several things that Spencer ...