1. ProfNigma Stories #5: If Wishes Were Hornets #2

    Date: 9/17/2015, Categories: Celebrities, Author: FrankSinner, Source: xHamster

    ... they Fred?" Nate said, snapping him out of it. "Yeah... they really are. How long have you and Tori been together?" "Just a couple months, I saw her on my first day of school, and I guess I finally wore her down enough that she gave in and dated me. What about you and Jade?" Freddie sighed heavily before responding. "Well, we met over the summer at this camp and hit it off and we've kinda been off and on since then... so maybe 7 months." "Man... must be tough to try and do that long distance thing. I tried doing it with this girl back in Texas and it just couldn't work." "Yeah... we just do what we can, and I don't know if we'll even be together after we head back home. I think we're just trying to grasp onto what time we do have. And I'm paying for that for sure," Freddie said sighing as he drank his beer. Nate stopped mid drink and gave him a look, "What's that mean?" "It's just... I'm not sure if you got to meet my friend Sam at lunch yesterday, but we used to date. And she dumped me a while back, so I could go to a good college and not feel tethered to her... and I love her, but when we got here, she came onto me right after I renewed things with Jade. So, now she's super depressed." "Yeah, blonde chick, I saw her inside with Tori's ex, Beck." "Jeez... that guy is a tool. They hooked up at the same camp I met Jade, and he really did a number on Sam. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid." "Preachin' to the choir, br*ther," Nate said, offing his beer and pulling another ...
    ... out of his jacket. "That's some bad business, man. I feel for you, for sure. I'm kinda in a weird spot myself with my girl." "Go on," Freddie said, leaning in to listen. "Well, I ain't really one for gabbing-" "C'mon man, spill," Freddie said, softly hitting Nate in the shoulder. "I mean, Tori is incredibly hot and you're a lucky guy to have her." "Oh, I'm real lucky," he said taking a huge sip of beer and pointed at her inside, watching her dance so gracefully and sexily inside. "Like lottery lucky. Tori's like nobody else in the world. When I'm with her, it's like - it's like I'm split in two - half of me is just on fire, goin' crazy if I'm not touching her. The other half is so still and peaceful, just perfectly content. I just knew from day one... I just know... this is the one." Nate turned his head and looked Freddie straight in the eye for the first real time. "But she doesn't love me." Nate stood up and walked inside, leaving Freddie to think about his words. He watched as the cowboy tossed his hat aside and started dancing with his girlfriend in the den. The two kissed and the look on Nate's face showed the depth of his feelings for Tori, while, to Freddie, it was clear that she liked him, but she didn't really love him. Freddie walked inside and looked over at Jade dancing, and then over at Sam, who gave him a look, which he followed with a nervous and apologetic smile. He then joined Jade and the dancing, his mind racing if what Nate said also applied to him. * * * ...