Pulling down her panties
Date: 7/30/2016,
Author: Unknow user
... trolley and Don, were shown through into a little office. It was painted white with a single desk and chair and a TV monitor with a split screen, divided into four images of the shop. A number of pens and pencils; a kettle; a cup and a telephone sat on the desk, otherwise it was un-cluttered. The woman picked up the phone and began to key in a number. “Who are you ringing?” asked Lisa, nervously. “The police.” “No! No, please don’t!” “Surely, there’s no need for that,” said Don. “This is clearly a genuine mistake.” The woman re-placed the receiver, before she had finished dialling. “That’s what everyone says.” “The thing is,” said Lisa. I’m at university. I’m studying law. I want to practice law and I can’t… I can’t have one blemish.” Lisa began to weep. Don put a comforting arm around her. “Look, you’ve made your point. She’s sorry. Can’t we just pay and leave?” “If it were so simple,” said the woman. “What do you mean?” said Lisa, sniffling, her face showing her distress. “I mean, we have a situation here. I have to do my job. You’ve attempted to steal alcohol.” “I know that’s how it looks," said Lisa. “But I didn’t, I just forgot it!” “Not good enough.” The woman reached for the receiver again. “No! Oh Don, say something!” “I don’t know what I can say, Lisa.” The woman hesitated and replaced the receiver and sat on the desk, with one leg lower than the other. “Maybe we can resolve this a different way,” she said. Her manner changed as if someone had pressed a button and ...
... her voice suddenly became soft and soothing. “You two? Partners are you?” “Us? Don’t be silly,” said Don. I live with her Mother. Lisa’s my stepdaughter. “When you say resolve it another way…?" Asked Lisa. The store detective sat with her back to the wall and pushed the phone to one side. Her body language had become very relaxed and she ran her hand up and down one leg, absent-mindedly. “I mean, perhaps we can deal with this, how shall I say, more imaginatively.” “Can you be a bit more specific?” asked Don. "Do you want us to pay for the wine or not?” Don ran a hand through his hair, which was flecked with grey and he furrowed his brow as he spoke. “Oh, you still have to pay. I just wonder how you can make amends.” “What do you mean?” asked Lisa. The woman began to play with the buttons on her jacket as she spoke. “I think you two can show me just how sorry you are about stealing the wine. If you do a good job, I’ll take the money and you’ll be free to go.” Lisa thought there was something menacing and inappropriate about what she said, and her new softly spoken voice was unnerving. “Can you just tell me what you want us to DO?!!” asked Lisa, suddenly irate. “Oh don’t raise your voice with me, young lady; I could easily change my mind.” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” The woman stood up and walked around the office and then ran a finger along the edge of Lisa’s bum, through her skirt. “What the fuck are you doing!” “Easy, easy, it’s OK.” “Why are you touching me?” “Has he ever seen ...