Pulling down her panties
Date: 7/30/2016,
Author: Unknow user
Lisa was waiting in the early afternoon sunshine. Her body still covered with a little perspiration, initially from her soccer training and then her hot shower. It was quite warm for the early autumn and she had changed back into her regular clothes – beige woollen skirt and grey cardigan. She had her pink bra on underneath and matching panties, which were her boyfriend’s favourites. They had been together a couple of months and he had expressed a liking for them, on more than one occasion. She sent him a quick text, while she waited for her lift. She was due to meet Matt later and just had to do a bit of shopping for a party she had planned the next day. It was her Mum’s 50th two days later and this was her way of saying thanks for everything and was a surprise precursor to the main event, on the day itself. Don, her Mum’s partner arrived after a few minutes in his white van. “Sorry, have you been waiting long?” asked Don. “The traffic on the ring road is a nightmare.” “No, it’s fine. It’s not like it’s raining.” “OK, so where is it, do you want the big supermarket or…?” “No, it’s OK; the one down the High Street is fine. I only want a drink and some nibbles.” “OK, well I’ll give you a hand.” “Ah right, thanks Don.” Don and Lisa’s Mum had been an item for a couple of years and while it felt weird at first, Lisa had come to see him as a de facto stepdad. Being 19, she was mature enough to accept things and see stuff in perspective. He was a good man and had done a good job ...
... with Lisa’s bedroom, putting her new shelves up and painting the walls just how she wanted. Lisa was something of a tomboy at heart but was attractive enough, with her long red hair and cute splash of freckles at the sides of her nose. She rarely wore make up and didn’t follow the latest fashion. Soccer were her life, the latter a welcome diversion from her demanding law studies. She was in the second year of her degree and wanted to get herself a nice job with a law firm and with hope, get into chambers. Studying in her home town meant she was near her Mum, who was always on hand to advise. She had opted to share a house with her fellow students though, rather than live at home. As much as she got on with her Mum and Don, she needed do the whole student thing and anyway, they needed their space. “I’ll just park up and I’ll find you,” said Don, dropping Lisa off outside the supermarket. “OK, see you in a minute!” Lisa entered the shop and placed her one pound coin in the slot of the first available trolley and headed inside. She began to browse the aisle with the potato chips and pretzels and threw a few packets into the trolley. She remembered she needed to stock up on provisions for the week and thought that she might as well get that, while she was here. Afterwards she went down the wine aisle and picked up a mini-crate of four bottles. Her trolley was getting a bit full and not wanting to squash anything she put the wine in the little partition at the front. It was then ...