Pulling down her panties
Date: 7/30/2016,
Author: Unknow user
... that Don joined her. “Thought I might find you down here!” “Ha ha! Ooh actually, I want to get Mum a gateaux. I was going to go to the cake shop, but one of those celebration cakes will do, what do you think?” “I’m sure she’ll be over the moon,” said Don. “Not many daughters would go to so much trouble.” “I know, but it’s a big birthday and I want to make it special.” Don smiled and put a friendly hand on Lisa’s shoulder. “What do you think Don? One of these or the pink one?” “Pink for a girl…” “Yeah and it’s got the nice silver bits on too.” Her trolley almost full to brimming, Lisa made for the checkout. She unloaded, while Don packed the stuff into bags. The checkout lady, it turned out, was an old school friend of Don’s and he switched to auto pilot, packing things not quite as Lisa would have liked. She wasn’t so OCD to make an issue of it though. Lisa paid with her card and they headed out of the shop. Just as the automatic doors opened, an alarm sounded. That had happened before though and she continued out, onto the shop forecourt. Suddenly Lisa felt a hand on her shoulder. She and Don looked round and a stern lady store detective, in a dark uniform was pointing an accusatory finger at Lisa's trolley. “I must ask you to step back into the shop please, Madam.” “What is it!” “I have reason to believe you have taken something, without paying.” “No I haven’t I’ve got my receipt look!” The woman looked at the chitty and then at Lisa, unimpressed. Don stepped in. “Really, ...
... I’m sure there’s been a mistake, I packed everything.” Then Lisa burst in, her face red. “Oh no the wine!!!’ “Indeed…” said the store detective, seriously. “Where was it? I thought you had put everything on the conveyor,” said Don. “I did, I did. It’s in this little part at the front. Oh shit, I’m so sorry… I’ll pay for it obviously," she said, turning to the woman. “It’s a little too late for that!” the woman said. “Would you come with me please?” The store detective was about 30, her blonde hair loosely tied into a little bun. Though not stunning, there was something about her. She was the kind of woman men liked, particularly with the uniform. Her skirt was knee-length and her jacket done up with little gold buttons. Her appearance was finished with dark grey pantyhose and black, standard issue shoes. Her demeanour gave her an aura of authority and she had a sharp, matter of fact way of speaking. “Where are we going?” asked Lisa. “Don’t worry,” said Don, we’ll sort this out.” “We’re going to the office,” said the uniformed woman. Lisa felt self-conscious, passing the other shoppers, as if she was a criminal or something. Then the magnitude of the situation hit her. What if…? In her line - training for law, she couldn’t have so much as a parking fine. Any kind of misdemeanour was a no no. She contemplated the worst case scenario. If it went badly, she would kiss her career goodbye. Her heart began to thump in her chest and she felt giddy. “Through here please!” Lisa with her ...