1. Our Game, Our Love 11

    Date: 7/2/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: JL5353

    ... destroys another one?” Mr. Winters asked. “Then I’ll ask for more.” “He won’t say no…… Okay, three.” Mom finished. Kaylen slid her plate over to Devon and he ate the remaining piece of her waffle. “Mom. Mom. Ma. Mother. I gotta tell you something. Natalia.” Kaylen said. Mrs. Winters looked up from her IPad. “Yes, my dear child?” “I won’t be home until late. That’s all I wanted. Thanks, Nat.” Kaylen smiled. Mrs. Winters gave her an annoyed smile and Mr. Winters laughed. “Evan, you wouldn’t be laughing if your mentally challenged daughter kept nagging you. Oh, and with the first name thing. Really?” Mrs. Winters said. “It gets attention. Isn’t that right, Evan?” “You betcha. You two should get going, it’s almost 7:00.” Mr. Winters said. “Why you trying to get rid of us? Ooh…. I know what you’ll be doing. Get yo-” “Right. Getting my sleep on before I leave for work. Hugs, please.” Natalia interrupted. Mrs. Winters walked over to Devon and hugged him, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. She walked over to her daughter and gave her a tight hug. “Mom. If you squeeze any tighter….” “No wonder you turned out like that.” Mr. Winters said over his coffee mug. Devon laughed and they walked to the door. “Bye!” They said at once. ---------------------------- “What are you doing after practice?” Kaylen asked Devon as she shut the car door. He grabbed her hand and they began walking toward the school’s entrance. “Good question. Ryan and I are going somewhere. No, I don’t know where.” ...
    ... Devon replied. “Okay. Tell him I said hi. Even though I hate him." Kaylen giggled. "Sure. Why do you hate him?" "Because. He swatted my ass once. It was creepy, like really. I punched his nose and I think he got my message. This was a while ago, like, 3 years." "Jesus." Devon said. "Don't worry. I will only punch you if necessary." Kaylen leaned up and gave Devon a small kiss. "Save it for later, Ya nasties." Izzy said from behind. "Izabelle, kiss m-" "Kiss you? Okay." Izzy interrupted. She gave Kaylen a kiss on the cheek and they started laughing. "I knew something was wrong with you two..." Devon mumbled. "Yeah. She's my secret lover. You were an experiment, Devon." Izzy giggled. “Don’t worry, Devon. I figured these two were doing something….” Nick chimed in from behind. “The nyah in neon sounds like nyah. So kiss my Ashley and while you’re at it… Kiss my nyah.” Kaylen laughed. “That may have been the dumbest joke ever. I was like ‘Uhm, escusi Mrs. Foster. I don’t like you so you can kiss my nyah. Because the nyah in neon is rachet A F. So kiss my neon, while you’re doing that…. Kiss my Ashley, nyah.”’ Izzy laughed. “Nyah. Remember when Nicole did it and her ‘Nyah’ went flying everywhere?” Kaylen snickered. “Oops.” Nick said. He kicked a rock in front of Kaylen and she almost fell on her face. “Nyah! Why does everyone insist on making me trip over rocks? You do realize that one day I will kill one of you? And the ‘Nyah’ in neon, will be the ‘Nyah’ in your ass!” Kaylen said to ...