1. Our Game, Our Love 11

    Date: 7/2/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: JL5353

    ... looked at Kaylen’s singular braid that came to the middle of her back. The braid was a different style and looked really nice in her hair. “Yeah. I like the way the pink fades.” Devon replied. “Thank you. Since it’s october, it’s time to pull out the beanies! Get dressed then you can help me, my personal stylist.” Devon shook his head and they walked into the bedroom. Kaylen grabbed her ripped jeans, her tee shirt that said ‘Bro, you’re starting some wicked fires’ with a purple cartoon at the bottom, and her buckled combat boots. Devon got dressed in his dark blue jeans with a black and white shirt that said “Nike” across the front. “Okay. You ready?” Kaylen asked. “Sure. Whatcha got?” Kaylen ran over to another drawer and dumped out a few beanies. By a few, Devon saw 25 different beanies. “So these three are probably the best; My ‘Fabulous’ one, my knitted grey one, or this purple one. Which do you like the best?” “I wanna say the grey one. I like the grey with the purple cartoon.” Devon said. Kaylen nodded and grabbed the grey beanie. She stood in front of her mirror fixing her hair underneath the beanie then turned to Devon. “I like it. Thank you, baby.” “You’re welcome. Ready to go?” Kaylen was about to walk toward him but she noticed the mess she had in her room. “Baby. Aren’t we forgetting something?” Kaylen said, gesturing to the ground. “Oh yeah. We gotta clean up.” Devon remembered. They grabbed the abandoned clothing and dumped them in her hamper. Devon led the ...
    ... way down the staircase, meeting Mr. Winters’ face. “Hello, Devon.” Mr. Winters said, sticking out his hand. Devon shook his hand and they began talking. “Mom, can you see if you can get some new Taklon brushes? My last one got destroyed.” Kaylen asked her mother. “Sure. How did it get destroyed?” “Momo. He thought it was a toy and ripped the bristles out. So now, it’s a chewed up stick.” “Well, I’m so sorry for your loss.” Mrs. Winters chuckled. “Kaylen. Come here.” Shawn said. Kaylen walked over to the fridge and glanced around, finding what Shawn was looking for. “It’s right there.” Kaylen pointed. “Thanks. I’m picking up Luke, so I’m heading out early. Bye, loser.” Kaylen shoved him toward the door. “Bye, ugly.” “You just called yourself ugly, hah.” Shawn said as he closed the door. “You’re an XY chromosome and I’m an XX chromosome. So suck it.” Kaylen mumbled. “Look who paid attention in health.” Mom said over her shoulder. “Just saying. Did you ever find the reason Aunt Genine couldn’t come over?” “Yeah. Ari had a doctor’s appointment, and you know how she is.” “Oh god. I hope Jada wasn’t there. Because that would’ve been funny.” Kaylen giggled. “Maybe. Jonah said he could get you like, five brushes. Is that okay?” Mom asked her daughter. Kaylen put her finger up as she swallowed the whip cream covered waffle she was eating. “Hold on.” She said with her mouth full. “Kaylen.” Mrs. Winters snickered. “Sorry. Whoo, that was good. Tell him I only need three.” “But what if Mo ...