1. Our Game, Our Love 11

    Date: 7/2/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance School Teen Male/Teen Female Author: JL5353

    ... Nick. “Nyah! We’re talking about Nyah! Nyah!” Alyse said as she ran up to Izzy and hugged her. “Nyah to you, too.” Devon said. “Hi, Devon. You’re looking mighty ugly today. You must get it from Kaylen….” Alyse said. Kaylen grabbed her arms and put her in a headlock. They walked for a few yards then Alyse tried to bite Kaylen. “Doesn’t she have rabies?” Nick said. “Oh yeah! Ugh.” Kaylen said as she let go of Aly. “I almost died you son of a buffoon!” Aly coughed. “I’m sorry. I was trying to make you look better. Didn’t work though.” Kaylen started walking ahead of her and Aly tugged on her red backpack. “Fuck! Ow, Jesus! I hate when you do that! Agh….. Fuck.” Kaylen groaned. “Bitch.” Alyse said. “Oh, you don’t want me to tug back. Remember that time I dragged you by the backpack down the stairs?” “Shut the hell up.” Alyse mumbled. “Yeah. You fartfuck. I would yell at you but it’s early. Wait until lunch.” Kaylen said. “Herpes.” Aly said. “AIDS.” Kaylen shot back. “Ebola.” “Fuck you.” “I would, but I don’t want herpes.” “You’re right. Too bad, you already have them.” Kaylen ended. “Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck your herpes. Okay? Can you pull each other’s hair and be done? Thank you.” Izzy cut in. “I would pull her hair….. I don’t want lice.” Aly said. “Hah, you had it in 4th grade, bitch.” Kaylen shot. “Like Victoria! Ahahahahaha!” The three laughed. Kaylen reached into the side of her backpack and pulled out a green bottle of nail polish. “Here. You have the last bit. Just ...
    ... give me your petals next week.” Kaylen said, handing the bottle to Izzy. “Thanks. I lost Nicole’s mint, oops.” Izzy chuckled. They stepped into the front lobby and said bye to the guys. -------------------------------–-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nicole had her hand on the table and Kaylen accidently stabbed her with a pencil. "Aghhhh! Fuck! What the shitttttt, Kaylen?!" Nicole exclaimed. "I am so sorry. That was an accident." Kaylen snickered. "It ain't gonna be funny when I stab your eyeball out. Grr! Give me the pencil." Kaylen handed the pencil to Nicole and she broke it then threw it across the Media Center. "What the fuck?! You should be thankful I didn't stab your face. Jesus. Can I have a pencil, Steve?" Kaylen said. "Why mine? Take Devon's." Steve said. "Your pencils write best, well next to mine, and I don't have anymore with me." "I thought you kept like 30 in your bag?" Alyse said. "I keep four. That was my sketching pencil and now on the grimy floor." Kaylen said. "Your fault." Nicole muttered. "Nicole Sarah E'illo. Did I ask who's fault it was?" "Kaylen Rachel Winters. Do I look like I care?" "Are you asking to get punched? Shush. Since no one here is gonna help, I'll get a pencil from Gabby." Kaylen said. She stood up and walked over to Gabby Uhl, another good friend of hers. Kaylen walked back to the table with three new pencils in her hand. "Well damn. Did you give her money?" Caleb asked. "I told ...