1. Court Records Chapter One

    Date: 6/20/2016, Categories: True Story Virginity Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... voice, “Have you got some troubles, young lady?” He asked as he approached. But, before she could answer he had noticed the bike, “Wow, that’s really an old bike. Good one though. It was one of the very best models back in my day. Your tires really need air. It must be very hard to ride on tires that soft. Let me roll this up to the garage there and put some air in your tires.” He pointed to a small old building about half way up to the house. “Just wait here I will have it back in a jiff.” With that he began to push the old bike up the drive. Sarah thought for a moment and then walked after him, “It’s more than just the tires pressure, sir. It’s all uphill back the way I came and I don’t think I can make it even if the tires are fixed. I really think I should call someone?” He stopped and looked back, “Sure, Ok, I have a phone up at the house.” With this assurance, she joined him as he pushed the bike up toward the garage. Once at the garage door he stopped and looked at her more closely. A strange look came into his eyes as he began to study Sarah without the bike in front of her. Now he could see the short skirt, the shapeliness of her young legs more clearly. What a beautiful young woman. He felt a nervousness building up inside. An internal alarm went off. An innocent young gal like this could be nothing but trouble. Alarm! Alarm! Let her make the call and get rid of her as quickly as possible. “Let’s go on up to the house and you can make that call.” He offered as he ...
    ... opened the garage door and pushed the old bike inside. He shut the door and turned to lead the way on up the drive. By the time he got to the house his nerves had quieted down a bit and his curiosity had started to get the best of him. He wanted to know more about this attractive young stranger that had ridden into his driveway. Maybe she would talk a bit before going. No harm in that. At the house he led the way around back to a picnic table just outside the back door under a big old maple tree. Sarah dropped down onto the bench exhausted. The ride seemed to catch up with her all at once. It seemed good to sit down. She leaned forward with her elbows resting on the table. Clem returned with a cold glass of lemonade. “What is your name young lady?” He asked, sliding onto the bench opposite her with his drink. “Sarah Wanewrite” She offered with our hesitation. Leaning forward as she was, Sarah was quite close to Clem once he was seated. Clem was surprised she did not sit up and get a little further away. Her glass of lemonade was quickly empty. “Could I have another glass? I guess my bike ride was more work than I thought.” Clem brought out a second glass of lemonade and sat down again. They sat quietly for a moment. Sarah looked across at him. He was actually cute, in an old way. He seemed nice. No reason to suspect a thing she thought. “Hey Sarah Wanewrite, wait here a moment, I need to run upstairs. I’ll be right back.” “Sure.” She replied. Bathroom break she thought with a ...