Court Records Chapter One
Date: 6/20/2016, Categories: True Story Virginity Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho
The events in this story are roughly related to a specific court case which is completed, and now a matter of public record. Names, places and event timing have been altered; however effort has been made to accurately portray the substance of the case background and the court findings. To that degree the story is true. Earlier events in this story may be much more inaccurate than those as the story moves along. Timing of these earlier events and correspondingly, the age of the young woman involved is much more a product of speculation on the part of the author, but it is based loosely on later depositions and court records as much as possible. An attempt is made in the later portion to portray events as accurately as public record allows. For Sarah Wanewrite this day began like so many before. She awoke when the first bright shafts of light came across her room. The far wall turned into a bright array of color. No one could sleep with such a bright show. Her large oak book cases started to glow. Her first thoughts went to the many good stories she had read, reread and then filed away in these enormous book cases. Moving slowly, she slipped to the edge of her large king sized bed, pulling the covers into place behind her and sat on the edge for a moment before dropping several inches to the floor. Her night gown hung up as she slid from the bed to the floor, revealing young legs taking the shape of early womanhood. The ever so slight brush of her nightgown down her legs ...
... caused her to halt momentarily. She stood still enjoying the feelings that coursed through her young body. Sensual images, undefined, caused her hesitation. In one motion she lifted the night gown over her head and tossed it on to the bed. She was standing absolutely nude in the cool morning air. Sarah turned slowly enjoying the sensations and freedom, until she gradually came back from her thoughts. Across the room, across what seemed like a mile of marble floor, she could see her outfit for the day was laid out and ready for her. The maid’s last duty as she prepared the room each night was to lay out the outfit Sarah was to wear the next day. This routine had been the same day after day all her life. For the last nine months it had been winter outfits; warm, fashionable, preppy and boring. But, today it was going to be different. All the dull routines of tutors and lessons came to an end. Today summer started and this was the day she was going to travel. In Sarah's world it was officially summer and her outfit would be selected accordingly. For nine long months the same routine had occupied most of the day, every day, but not today. Three months of summer break was to begin. Three months reprieve from the dull never ending succession of old women arriving and departing convinced they had taken Sarah to new heights of learning. Hours of piano lessons and practice. Hours of reading books of all types. Hours of listening to adults having drinks and dinner in the evenings, and hours ...