1. Court Records Chapter One

    Date: 6/20/2016, Categories: True Story Virginity Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... who thought about it probably thought she was on her way to music camp, but no one had made a reservation for her let alone made arrangements to take her. Maybe she would ride on, maybe she should head back. This had been a good adventure, but it seemed sensible to return now. She had no idea where this road went and there was little to see except fields of corn, soybeans, hay and acres of big beautiful trees along the side. She had not passed a house or anything else for miles it seemed. She decided to head back to the estate and practice the piano. The help would all be busy with their daily work. She would practice until she was bored and then read. She had a good book going. She had found it if her dad’s library. It was another with some very X rated parts, but her old tutor, Myrtle had told her everything about all that stuff. Now, it just made the stories more exciting. Reluctantly, she turned and headed back, but as soon as she was moving she knew the ride back was going to be much harder. Only now, she realized that her ride coming had all been quite downhill with the wind at her back. Riding back was going to be a real slog. She stopped to catch her breath. Looking down she noticed for the first time, the old tires were practically flat. Downhill it had not been noticeable, but now it was a real problem. Only one thing to do; turn around and continue down into the valley, find a phone and have Jayson send someone to come get her. Sarah turned and rode downhill once ...
    ... again. Minutes turned into an hour as she moved on down the deserted country lane through enormous red oak trees, then open fields, then darker thicker stands of trees. She had been riding fast downhill it still was a lot of fun, but when would she come to a store or somewhere with a phone? She was beginning to get concerned. Finally, she saw an old farm house with several out buildings on the right side of the road setting back quite a ways under several large trees. Two very large red oaks dominated the front of the house and an older guy was setting on a lawn chair under one, reading. Sarah stopped in the shade at the edge of the road to rest for a moment. Should she ask this fellow for help? He looked ok; sort of country farmer looking tall, trim. As she contemplated, he got up and heading out toward the road. The house sat back a good fifty yards so it was going to take him several minutes to get out where he could talk to her. Should she jump back on the bike and head on down the road, or should she buck up and say hello. As he got closer he really appeared quite ok, at least to an over protected young woman who knew nothing (well very little) (mostly what she had read in novels) about the ways of the world. She could now see he was a trim, sort of middle aged guy, with a ruddy complexion. He wore jeans and a summer shirt, buttoned up the front. His hair had a wave, sort of salt and pepper like. He spoke with an interesting look in his steel gray eyes and a warm clear ...