1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... bondage corset and little else, an image he had once been f***ed to endure seeing first hand, was not enough to make his turgid erection flag. In fact, the disturbing memory became rather erotic in retrospect and he suddenly regretted fleeing her quarters that night. “Lieutenant Worf, when is that lovely grandmother of yours going to come for another visit?” He asked his security officer in his best nonchalant tone of voice. “Umm, as she was permanently banned from the ship, per your orders, there are currently no such plans whatsoever.” Worf replied, the curiosity plain in his voice. Picard had never informed the Lieutenant, or anybody else for that matter, about the way the old Klingon tried to seduce him. He simply made it known once the woman was gone that she was no longer welcome. “I am hereby countermanding that order, Lieutenant. f****y is important and your grandmother is a lovely woman. In fact next time she is aboard I think that I would like to spend a bit of time with her myself.” “Yes captain.” Worf replied, obviously still confused. “I will send her a message inviting her to visit as soon as I am off duty.” “See that you do.” Picard replied, his mind running rampant with dark fantasies about the old bag's sharp teeth and bony skull ridges, not to mention her ridiculously large breasts with the pierced nipples and her big flabby belly. He could not believe that he had not wanted to have sex with her the night she offered herself up to him. If he did not get to ...
    ... bed her before she died of old age it would be one of the greatest regrets of his life. “Captain,” Ensign Crusher piped up, “we have reached the coordinates specified by the science team.” “Very Good. See if we can maneuver the ship so that the object materializes inside the cargo bay. If it is another living entity I would rather not leave it floating outside in space.” “Aye, captain.” The young ensign replied as he began manipulating controls to get the ship into position. “Transporter room,” Picard said aloud after tapping the sensor on his chest, “this is the captain speaking. Be ready to lock onto any object that appears outside of this vessel in the next two minutes and beam it directly to Cargo Bay three.” “Aye, captain.” Replied the sultry voice of Lieutenant Amanda Cox, the newest member of his engineering team. The woman was every bit as sexy as she sounded over the intercom and more than one crew member had tried to bed her long before they took up their current assignment. Picard was one of the few who had succeeded in that quest. “Incidentally captain, I was planning to beam something else over to you as well.” The wanton blonde sex kitten continued. “Would you prefer to have it in your ready room or do you just want me, I mean, the package, sent directly to the bridge?” “Um, I will get back to you on that as soon as we are done dealing with the situation at hand.” Picard replied. The entire bridge had heard the bold Lieutenant's Freudian slip and more than one ...