1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... bridge at the time, Ensign Crusher had taken the brunt of his lustful desires. Unfortunately, the boy had liked it a little too much and now kept trying to find reasons to be nearby in case the shields failed again. Realizing that there was no way he would get through his entire turn at the helm without a little relief, Picard decided to watch the video of Deanna Troi m*****ing the three Ensigns and take matters into his own hands. He was five minutes into the video and just about to blow shoot his load when the yellow alert light started flashing and the call came out for all hands to report to their stations. With a curse, Picard jerked his pants up over his engorged cock and made his way from the ready room to the bridge. “Captain,” Riker, his bearded second in command said, as he stood to greet his commander “our instruments are giving readings which indicate that a third object is set to appear sometime in the next few minutes. We are moving to intercept the object immediately.” “Very good number one,” Picard said as he eased into his chair, “do we have any indication of the size of this object?” “Yes Captain, our scientists are giving a ninety five point three percent chance that the object is either an actual person or something of the same general size and shape.” “Interesting, if it is indeed a human then we will need to be prepared to drop shields and capture it the moment it appears. With luck we can catch this one while it is still alive, unlike the whale which ...
    ... is already starting to stink up the cargo bay.” “Indeed sir.” Riker agreed as he dropped into the councilor's seat on Picard's left. With foreknowledge that the shields would need to be dropped, Picard quickly remanded the yellow alert and instead sounded the general quarters alert, ordering all non-essential personnel to the comparative safety of their private rooms. It would not stop all of the crazed sexual encounters aboard the ship but it should keep them to a minimum. “Lieutenant Commander Data, please report to the bridge immediately.” After the last incident on the bridge, it was decided that Data should be on hand whenever the shields were down. As an android, he was the only member of the crew unaffected by the lust rays and could therefore take command of the Enterprise if everyone else proved incapable. He was also strong enough to stop Lieutenant Worf, should the half Klingon lose control of himself. Klingon Sex tended to get a little rough and Worf had already sent two women to the sickbay for sexually related injuries, one of them twice. As the Enterprise raced through space to reach the position where the latest object was predicted to appear, Picard spent the time trying to clear his mind of sexual thoughts and calm himself for the upcoming assault. Unfortunately, no mental image that he could summon was repulsive enough to completely destroy his amorous desires. Even the thought of Worf's three hundred and fifty pound Klingon grandmother dressed in a leather ...