1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... crew member was chuckling aloud. Ensign crusher, on the other hand, looked rather jealous. “Very well. Don't wait too long though, this package is rather hot and needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. Transporter room out.” “May I recommend you have the 'package' delivered here to the bridge sir.” Riker suggested with a smile. “That way, if there is enough to go around, we can all get a piece of whatever it happens to be.” “I will take that under advisement, number one.” Picard replied with a nod. There was most certainly enough of Lieutenant Cox to go around, if he were inclined to share. She was no three hundred and fifty pound Klingon but she did have a great ass and hall of a set of gravity defying D cup tits. “Captain, sensors indicate that the arrival of the object is eminent, shall we lower our shields?” Crusher asked anxiously. “Make it so.” Picard replied with a nod of his head. The effect of the lowered shields was almost instantaneous. Picard felt a sudden a****listic urge to rip off his uniform and fuck the nearest willing or semi-willing warm body. While taking a deep breath to focus himself and master the sex craved b**st raging inside his head, the captain spared a moment to examine his command crew. Surprisingly, not a single person on the bridge had actually given in to the powerful urges they were all feeling. Picard was both surprised and pleased as this was the first time the entire bridge crew had shown so much self control. There were still ...
    ... obvious signs of sexual arousal, to say the least, but everyone still had their clothes on and were managing to keep their hands to themselves. To his left, Riker was slowly massaging his erect manhood with one hand while working the small tactical command board attached to his chair with the other. Ensign Crusher had stood up from his chair and was now bent over his console at the waist, wiggling his ass invitingly while glancing back over his shoulder at the captain. The officer on Comms, Lieutenant Chin, was even closer to the edge. Her eyes were closed tightly while her right hand slid inside her pants and buried between her legs. Her left hand also seemed to have a mind of its own as it slid her shirt up and began tweaking on her rock hard nipples. The science officer seated next to her was watching the display and clearly struggling not to pounce on the beautiful Asian woman. Picard gripped the arms of his command chair like it was a life line in a storm as he fought his inner sex fiend for control while watching the woman pleasure herself. Just as both he and the science officer were about to lose control, commander Data stepped over to the softly moaning Comms officer and whispered something in her ear. The woman shuddered visibly before opening her eyes and realizing where she was. With obvious reluctance, Chin pulled her hands away from her body and readjusted her uniform so that she was properly attired once again. She furtively licked the fingers of her right hand and ...