1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... that she had felt the desire at all, even to herself. It's a good thing it worked. Even with the blocking spell, if he had touched me I would have been on my knees with his cock in my mouth before he could have asked again.” The older woman confessed with a sigh. “Oh thank goodness, I thought it was just me.” Hermione said, laughing even harder. Guinan chuckled as well as she took Hermione by the arm once again and led her away. The pair made it the rest of the way to their destination without incident, though Hermione had been tempted more than once to join in with the various sexual depravities she witnessed. The door Guinan finally stopped at looked just like every other entryway they had passed and Hermione was not at all sure that she could find it again if she were turned loose on her own. When Guinan stepped up to the door it did not open like Hermione expected. Instead the older witch quickly looked around to make sure nobody was looking before drawing out her wand and casting a quick unlocking spell. The door finally slid open and the older woman bustled her inside before anyone else could walk by and get a look inside. Hermione found herself standing in a room that looked completely out of place on a spaceship but would have fit in perfectly back at Hogwarts. The walls were paneled with what looked to be dark mahogany and a fireplace blazed away in the far corner. Candles in sconces on the walls and s**ttered throughout the room provided the lighting for the room ...
    ... rather than the ships lights she had witnessed everywhere else so far. Between the flickering lights, bookcases and tables were crammed all along the walls, each filled with a plethora of texts as well as components for creating potions and other magical artifacts. The center of the room was a large clear space with a wooden floor branded with dozens of magical symbols. Hermione could feel the energy bleeding off of the nearly everything in the room, it was a dull quiet thing, almost like white noise. Back at Hogwarts it was so constant that one did not even notice it until they left and it was gone. Here, where magic was not so prevalent, the sensation was so distracting that it blocked out the tingling ache for sexual gratification that had been haunting her since leaving Data's quarters. There were three other people in the room when they entered, two men and a woman. One man, an older gentleman with curly red hair that reminded her of Ron's, was sitting in an overstuffed chair with a book in his hands. He was clearly doing his best to ignore the other two, a black man with a weird visor over his eyes and a younger Asian woman with long black hair tied back in a ponytail. The black man had the young woman on her knees and was pounding his very hefty cock in and out of her pert little ass with wild abandon. “Hang on, we're almost done here.” The man announced to the newcomers without breaking his rhythm. The young woman did not bother to look up, she was too busy stroking her ...