1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... clit furiously as her lover pounded himself into her. Less than a minute later she began to scream in orgasm as her body shook convulsively. A few strokes more and the man pulled out to shoot a large ropy load of cum all over the woman's ass and back. “They've been going at it like that for the last hour.” The red haired man complained in a thick Irish accent. “Even after I told them we needed to start finding a spell to send that one home, they just kept on going.” He made it clear with a hand gesture that Hermione was the 'one' in question, as if it had not been clear. “O'brien, You're just mad that I can bang your wife better than you can.” The black man said as he stood up. Before he could take another step, the woman on the floor spun around and took his still semi-erect cock in her mouth. She moaned wantonly as she licked it clean and only let it go when Guinan cleared her throat pointedly. “I will have you know that I can fuck her just as long and hard as you just did, I simply have more self control at the moment.” The older man argued. “Prove it.” The other man challenged. “Fine!” He replied. “Get that ass over here woman.” He stood up and Hermione noticed for the first time that the one called O'Brien wasn't wearing any pants. The Asian woman immediately crawled over and began to suck on his stiff rod with the same passion she had applied to the other man moments before. “We really do not have time for this nonsense.” Guinan declared pointedly. “Oh don't worry,” ...
    ... the dark skin man replied, “this won't take him long.” “Oh ha ha, you are so funny Laforge. Keep it up and I'll never let you get between my wife's legs again!” The man named Laforge looked ready to comment further but Guinan cut them both off before the argument could escalate further. “Do I really need to remind the three of you how important it is to maintain at least a bit of self control? Troi is already locked in solitary confinement and shielded from using her magic because she let these sexual urges overtake her completely. I do not ask for celibacy from you all but I do demand that you put duty before personal satisfaction.” The three wizards looked abashed as they mumbled apologies and the woman even released her grip on her husband's throbbing cock with one last wistful stroke. “So, is that her?” Laforge asked finally, while looking Hermione up and down. She suddenly had the feeling that the visor covering his eyes was letting him see more of her than she would normally be comfortable with. Judging by the way his member twitched towards erect, he liked what he was seeing. “Obviously it is.” O'Brien answered. “It's not like you've never met the woman before, even if it was the older version.” “That is quite enough on that subject,” Guinan snapped, “there are more than enough temporal issues at play here without telling this young woman anything else about her future. Now, have any of you made any headway in researching the spells I asked you to look in to?” “I was ...