1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... left as they approached but they were not engaged in sex like the others. Instead, they stood there, watching everyone around them and slowly stroking themselves. “Hello ladies,” the biggest of the three men said as he stepped out of the adjoining hall and directly into their path, “you look like you could use a little help.” “We are fine thank you.” Guinan replied shortly as she tried to step around the man. The other two guys stepped out next to their friend to cut the two women off. “Yes, you are fine.” The first man replied with a leer as he continued to stroke himself unabashedly. “Well if you don't need any help, how about giving my friends and I a hand?” “Or a mouth.” One of the others spouted off. “Or some pussy!” The third one practically shouted. Guinan pulled Hermione to a stop just beyond the reach of the three men and examined them coolly before responding. The young witch found herself hoping that the other woman was going to agree to help the men, she had not sucked a nice hard cock lately and she was barely able to stop herself from dropping to her knees and deep throating the nearest one. Images of the three men penetrating all of her aching holes at the same time raced through her mind, causing her pussy to quiver with anticipation. “I'm sorry boys, I wish we could help but we are on duty and the captain as demanded our services on the bridge.” Guinan finally replied, dashing Hermione's hopes as much as the men's. “I'm sure the captain wouldn't mind if you ...
    ... took a few minutes to help a crew member or two. The biggest man replied as he stepped forward and reached for the older woman. “There are several men in the brig these days who have been reduced to butt-fucking one another because they interfered with the captains orders.” Guinan stated sharply, bringing the man up short with his fingers just inches from her shoulder. “Perhaps you would like to join them there and see what kind of help they might offer you.” The man pulled his hand back as if he had stuck it in a fire and quickly backed off a few steps, pushing his cohorts out of the way in the process. The other two scrambled to clear a wide path for the two women. Hermione could not help but notice that their penises had deflated as much as their bravado. “Sorry ma'am, we meant no offense.” The leader of the three said quickly, raising his hands as if to fend off an attack. “None taken,” Guinan replied smoothly, “though if I hear about any other women being coerced into giving you boys what you want, you will find yourselves in the brig and tied face down to your bunks faster than you can scream for mercy.” “Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am.” The men muttered as they quickly backed away to flee down the hall they had been lurking in a minute before. “That certainly took the wind out of their sails,” Hermione said with a laugh, “so to speak.” Now that the men were retreating, the urge to give them what they had wanted was quickly fading. In fact, she was somewhat embarrassed to admit ...