1. A Sexy Romp Through Space-Time

    Date: 6/3/2016, Categories: Celebrities, Hardcore Sex Humor, Author: wraithe_13, Source: xHamster

    ... insane she had been acting. She flung herself away from Data and scrambled to cover her nakedness with one hand while groping for her shirt with the other. “What in the fuck did you to do me?” She asked both Data and Guinan at the same time once she had managed to tug the form fitting shirt into place. “I must apologize.” Data said first as he rose from the bed and began to gather his own clothing. His android penis still bounced in front of him, hard and ready for use, but Hermione no longer felt an overpowering urge to pounce on it. “My intent was not to have intercourse with you against your will. As you are a witch, I assumed that you would realize what was happening and could shield yourself like the others. When you propositioned me I believed that it was a matter of choice for you.” “I thought you said that you couldn't cast spells.” She pointed out accusingly as she scooped her wand up from the floor and pointed it at the man. “How did you manage to whammy me with a sex spell?” “He didn't.” Guinan volunteered. “Then who did, you?” She asked, turning to face the other witch, her wand held ready to duel. “There was no 'sex spell' cast whatsoever. The sexual desires you have been feeling are the result of a particular type of radiation being given off by a nearby star.” The witch went on to explain the strange pink sun and its effects on sentient beings. Even as someone who used magic every day of her life, Hermione had a hard time believing the story. “I don't know, ...
    ... this whole 'sex ray' thing sounds like some lame excuse to get everyone naked and horny.” She replied when the older woman was finished explaining. “I mean, if these things are real, why aren't you shielding the rest of the crew like you are me?” “That would be commander Data's experiment.” Guinan replied, nodding towards the now garbed android. “Indeed. When we first arrived in this system we used the ships shields to block out the radiation. However, I realized that, if there was a catastrophic failure of the shields for any reason, the entire crew would immediately devolve into an uncontrolled mob of sex crazed lunatics. The danger of this happening is miniscule in the short term but, as our mission could take as long as a full earth year or more, is quite real in the long term. This vessels photon shields are not designed to remain functioning at full power for such long periods. Also with the shields up, there was no way to capture the physical objects that we were sent here to study. Due to these considerations, I decided to conduct an experiment that would hopefully help the crew become immune from the effects of the radiation. I have been steadily decreasing the power of the shields, allowing small doses of the sex rays to slip through and irradiate everyone. Currently, the photon shields are running at thirty five percent, though I have written a sub-routine into the ships software that makes it appear as if they are still fully engaged.” “So you are trying to build up ...